


After living in the suburbs of both Atlanta and Tampa nearly my entire life, my husband and I decided shortly after our first daughter, Harlan, was born to take the plunge and move to the city of Manhattan. Just six weeks after Harlan was born, my husband moved to start his new job, while I stayed in Tampa to finish out my teaching career. Nine months later, Harlan and I moved to be with MacKay in New York City and start our news lives as city dwellers. Shortly after moving here I started A Mommy in the City as a way to keep my family in touch with our lives in the city. This blog has turned into much more than I could have ever imagined.

Now a full time work-at-home mom (freelance writer and social media consultant) of two little girls and a baby boy, this blog chronicles our lives in New York City and the many ways that our lives have changed since our suburban days.