Take All the Photos

The truth is, there is no perfect moment. There is no perfect time to take a photo. Just take it. Take it so you can capture that moment in time.

Seeing the Beautiful

“Wow! I look so pretty,” she squealed with excitement. “I love they way my hair is tucked behind my ears. It looks good,” she continued. Those were the first words that came out of her mouth when she saw this year’s school picture for the first time. There was no rumblings of a hair being … Continue Reading

No Rush

At the end of every single night I feel as though I’ve tried to speed through the day so that I can check more off of my to-do list. But what do those check marks really accomplish in the long run?

The Lullaby

It’s through this lullaby that Harlan showed me what I am for her. And I’ll always be that. No matter how old she is.