My sister and I are 13 months apart. We have been best friends since I can remember. She was my partner in crime when we were little and my maid of honor at my wedding. To say that she is an amazing sister is an understatement. Not only has she been there for me whenever I have needed it, but she has also been an amazing part of Harlan’s life as well.

When I was in labor with Harlan my sister made sure to be on the first plane down to Tampa for her arrival. She made it shortly after she was born and was with me everyday in the hospital to help out.

It didn’t take long for her to fall in love with her first niece. She would ask for me to send her pictures and videos everyday, constantly call to ask how she was doing, and try to get down to Tampa whenever possible to visit her. When we found out we were moving to New York City she was beyond thrilled. Not so much for me moving to the same city as her again, but because Harlan was moving here.

Now that we are both living in the city it is like old times again. We still talk everyday and try to see each other as much as we can. We have family game nights and will laugh together at jokes at only we think is funny. Our relationship is stronger than ever. What’s even more exciting for me is the relationship that I see with her and Harlan. Although Danielle has always been over the moon for Harlan, it was hard for Harlan to truly understand who Danielle was. Now that she sees her often, it is hard to get Harlan to stop asking for “Danni.”

Having an aunt in the city has made Harlan a little spoiled. My sister loves to video chat with Harlan when she gets home from work if she isn’t able to come over. Harlan gets a huge smile on her face when she sees Danielle on the screen. She will always ask to speak to “Danni” whenever I am on the computer {which tends to be quite a bit.} She also loves the days when my sister will come over just to take her out to the playground or to get something to eat. Danni doesn’t make Harlan ride in her stroller because she will hold her the entire time. If Har wants an extra snack, she knows who to ask if Danni is around.

It’s amazing to see the things that Danielle will teach Harlan after their days together. Just recently Harlan came up to me and asked me for a “high five.” Having no clue where she heard that from I gave her one as she giggled. I later find out that Danielle taught her that when she watched her while MacKay and I were at our spa day.

As I think about the relationship that is forming between them it has made me realize that Harlan isn’t the only one being spoiled. I am too.



I love your blog Lauren, I read it all the time. In the first photo I can’t tell if it’s you and Danni but Harlan looks just like you/her in the face. I think it’s those lips!


Oh yes, that’s me and Dan. Thank you so much for reading. Everyone says that Harlan is starting to look like me more. She is blessed to have her Aunt Danni.


Such a beautiful post about your sister and Harlan! They do look like they have so much fun together 🙂


Thank you Patty! They do have so much fun together. Harlan can get away with so much more with her Aunt Danni then she can with her mommy! 🙂


Sounds like you and your sister are close!!

Happy Thursday! I am blog hopping today and I am so happy I got to stop by your blog!!

Please come by and visit either or both of my blogs and become a follower (if you aren’t one already):

So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

Jessicas Lil Corner is my family blog at

Have a very blessed Thursday!! :0)


Thank you for stopping by Jessica! I will be sure to check it out!


What a sweet relationship. Both you and your baby girl are so lucky. Just found your blog, can’t wait to follow along!


Thank you Laura! We are both very lucky! Look forward to seeing you around her more 😉


Harlan is very lucky to have her Aunt Danni……And Aunt Danni is beyond blessed to have her.


Aunt Danni – You are a VERY Savvy Auntie and your niece is so fortunate to have you. You are also so very fortunate that your sister appreciates what a gift you are to her and her daughter. Welcome to the Savvy Auntourage!!


What a beautiful family!


Thank you!


This is the sweetest post ever! “Danni” is spoiling both Harlan and you. It’s great to have such a close relative around and apart of Harlan’s life. And “high five”… how cute is that?!


I didn’t mention some of the things Danni tries to teach her that mommy doesn’t like 😉 I am very blessed to have her so close. She helps me out a lot!


What a nice post!! We’ve talked about having sisters around, before. I feel so lucky, too, that I have my sister around to help out with Peanut. They have such a close relationship – it’s really special.


It is! Having your best friend around all the time is so much fun!


This is such a sweet post, I hope she reads in and saves it and prints it! lol It kinda makes me wish I had a sister now. You and Harlan are both so lucky to have that kind of fun and loving back-up and she’s so pretty to. Great to have that extra hand.


Thank you! My sister is amazing and I am so lucky to have her living here in the same city with me. Makes my life so much easier and I know Harlan loves having her here too!

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