Growing up in the south, I was born to love sweet tea. I remember having family picnics and the only drink of choice was homemade sweet iced tea. My mom used to make gallons and gallons, especially during the summer.

When I was chosen by Gen-YKnot to try out Lipton’s new Natural Iced Tea, I was a bit skeptical because they have some pretty high expectations to fill.

The newest line from Lipton has an all-nautral ingredient list and comes in four flavors; Green Tea with Citrus, Iced Tea with Lemon, Iced Tea with Blueberry Pomegranate and Green Tea with Passionfruit Mango.

While the tea didn’t taste the way my mom makes it, {I’m convinced nothing is ever as good as hers} it was refreshingly delicious. My favorite flavors were the newest for Lipton, the Blueberry Pomegranate and Passionfruit Mango. These flavors are so good that I had to hide many of them from my husband. Both teas have a tropical flavor with just the right amount of sweetness. It gives traditional iced tea a bit of a twist.

The entire line, which includes two diet flavors, is free of preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. I did have a look at the ingredients list to see just how natural the flavors were and I was able to read and recognize every single ingredient. Not only was the drink refreshing, but it was also refreshing to know that I’m drinking something all natural with nothing artificial added.

To celebrate being natural, Lipton is teaming up with and wants their tea drinkers to experience music in an unplugged, natural way. “The Natural Side of Music” kicks off with a surprise summer concert as well as online videos and conversations with music artists. Lipton even has their own stations on with selections from pop, country {my personal favorite,} rock, and hip hop.

To find out more about 100% Natural Lipton Iced Tea and the summer music series check out their facebook page,

{Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Gen-Yknot on behalf of Lipton and received Lipton product samples and a subscription to Pandora One to facilitate my candid review. Gen-Yknot also sent me a promotional item to thank me for my time.}



This sounds so refreshing right about now! You’ve convinced me to give it a try πŸ™‚


You have to love the ingredients are natural. I’m really liking those flavor options too!
blueviolet recently posted..Feeling Crabby WW


The passionfruit one sounds really good!

I’m a fan of sweet tea, though. Have to be in the South!


Glamamom recently posted..HAPPINESS IS…


I want to give this a try.


This tea is healthier than your minds. I was surprised. Great flavors.


Yum!! I can’t wait to try (but only when I’m not actually in the south anymore!) Bottled iced tea is usually nasty and tastes like chemicals, so I’m really excited about this! The passionfruit mango sounds especially delish. πŸ™‚


Iced Tea with lemon and Passionfruit mango… yum!
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