Although Harlan was born in Florida, I am embarrassed to say that up until last weekend she had never been to the beach. Between MacKay being gone and Harlan being so young, it just wasn’t in the books for her. Last weekend MacKay had a few days off so we decided to take the train over to Spring Lake, NJ a beautiful Victorian style town on the Jersey shore for a much needed family beach day.

I have been longing for the beach since we’ve moved here and it’s so nice to be able to hop on a train and be at the ocean in such a short time. Harlan fell in love with the sand as soon as we got there. She helped me make {and destroy} sandcastles for hours.

She didn’t warm up to the water right away, which surprised me. She loves the water and has a blast at the pool. I think the waves crashing scared her a little bit which made her very reluctant to even go near it.

Her reluctancy to go towards the water meant that MacKay and I were her “water boys” and kept filling up her bucket for her {only to have her dump it on us while we were sitting down.}

The weather that day was absolutely perfect. So much different than summers on the beach in Florida. I can usually only stand about 20 minutes of being outside before I am dripping in sweat and feeling dehydrated. Although it was hot outside, the breeze from the ocean made for perfect beach weather.

The water was a little chilly, but that didn’t stop MacKay from taking a dip. Once Harlan saw him having fun jumping over the waves, she made the decision to conquer her fears and go for a swim.

After the initial shock of the waves knocking her down, she couldn’t get enough. She completely forgot how much fun we had making sand castles and only wanted to play in the water. We couldn’t keep her out {which made for a very angry little girl when I told her we had to leave.}

The day at the beach and out of the city was exactly what I needed. I now completely understand why city dwellers leave for the summer and get beach houses. I could have stayed there forever. I think Har could too.

There’s always next summer. ::wink, wink::



Omg, these pictures are just the cutest! I love that she conquered her fears and then didnt want to get out. Kids just love water, don’t they? Our boys haven’t been to the beach yet either, so that’s one of our goals for this summer. I hope they love it too!


So cute! Love the big floppy hat.

We went to the lake the other day and let the kids play in the water. They loved it.


i love her purple bathing suit, such great photos! we’re here at the beach too and my kids love it. but man is mama tired at the end of the day!


Love the pictures!! Adorable!! Yes, it’s a great town. I go there regularly my friend has a house there. They also have a huge pool filled with ocean water…pretty cool. Right by the snack bar. Looks like all enjoyed.


i love her floppy hat! great pictures! we hit the beach too and the little guy was NOT interested in leaving!



I’m looking up Spring Lake right now. We need a getaway, too!


Yay! So fun! Love the pictures 🙂


I LOVED the pictures you took! Were taking Jayden to the beach this week (yes were finally back), I hope he enjoys it as much as Har did!


Very cute! I’ve never been to the Jersey Shore but always heard it was great. What a fun beach day!


She’s so cute!

And a little healthy fear of the water is good. My boys frighten me with the way they just jump right in!


Awwww she is sooooo cute!!! it looks/sounds like you guys gad a blast! I know what you mean about the heat in FL…. I’ve been leaving here all my life and my time outside is very limited.

Thanks for sharing.


I would say that Harlan would totally be for a “summer home” to escape the city life. 🙂


I love that first picture! I’m glad she warmed up to the beach. Looks like she had a blast!


too cute! We love the beach too! I will take any kind of beach I can get.;)


So glad you enjoyed my town!!! It’s always nice to see someone say something nice about the “jersey shore” once in awhile. Come back soon!


Aww, I love all the pictures! I’m glad she ended up loving the water 🙂


Oh the beach! We got at least 1-2 times per week, even if we have to dress warm, the sand provides hours of entertainment. That is awesome that she decided to splash around. Soleil fell in once and ever since has been so wary that she won’t even poke a toe in. Hooray for the beach! Your girl is soooo cute!


Fabulous pictures. Your daughter is just too cute! And, what a great blog you keep. I love it! I’m visiting via the Sunday Stalker Hop and I’m so glad I did. I am a {relatively} new mommy, too (my son just turned 1), and I love reading about the trials & triumphs of other mommies. I’m excited to be one of your new followers. Hope you’ll visit me over at Coffee & Cabernet sometime soon and say hi! All the best.


These are the cutest pictures ever! Aiden and I are spending the week in NJ and we got away to the beach yesterday. It was… amazingly refreshing! I could have stayed there forever too. Yes, THAT’S exactly why city dwellers get away to the beach!

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