I’ve come to realize that after we have a baby, we somehow forget about all of the pain we endured during pregnancy and labor and only remember the good parts about it.
I am going to be quite blunt and tell you that I am hating being pregnant right now. Please don’t take this the wrong way. I still love the little girl that is growing inside of me, but the toll that she is taking on my body has been quite unbearable this past week.
Last Thursday I began to feel sicker than I usually do. The morning sickness that I had finally been able to manage {to a point} seemed to stick around all day long. My stomach was in constant pain and it was hard for me to keep anything down. Not only did I throw up that morning, like I am used to, but I also threw up that night. Thinking it was just something I ate I went to bed early that night and was hoping it would be gone by the morning.
Friday morning it only seemed to get worse and to add to the stress, heartburn had started to settle in. We flew home to Tampa that day and I prayed that I could just make it through the flight and not get sick. Thankfully it was a smooth flight and I thought that I was finally starting to feel better.
Saturday and Sunday proved me wrong and I found myself in bed just wanting to sleep the pain away. I couldn’t keep anything down at this point, but was still somehow managing to stay hydrated, so I knew that I wasn’t in much danger.
Yesterday was much of the same, but last night was the last straw. I went upstairs to finally go to bed and before I knew it everything I had eaten that day had come up.
Not only am I tired of being sick, but I am getting frustrated with the fact that I can’t eat anything or enjoy spending time with my family this week. I have a call in to my doctor today to hopefully give me some insight on what the heck is going on. I just feel like my food isn’t digesting.
The baby has been moving around a lot so I am just praying that I am not putting any stress on her.
I just really want to feel better again!
{Just a quick update- Spoke with my doctor this morning. She is calling me in two prescriptions to try to combat the nausea, throwing up, and heartburn. If I don’t feel any better by tomorrow she said I need to go into the hospital for tests. Please send prayers!}
Oh dear! 🙁 Pregnancy can wreak such havoc on the body… so many weird things going wrong, so many random aches and pains. When it’s bad, it’s BAD. Here’s hoping things get better for you soon! (((hugs)))
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Truthful Mommy
Twitter: TruthfulMommy
Mama. I hope you feel better. I NEVER forgot the way pregnancy way.Still haven’t that’s why I only have two kids. With my frst, it was smooth sailing with the second, I was sick as a dog for the first 5 months. I tried everything. Finally, what worked was seas sick bands. I looked like a douche walking around with those suckers the last few months of pregnancy but I was too sick to take them off. I hope you feel better. I know how miserable it is to feel that way. Praying for you and baby to feel better and be all well! XO mama
Truthful Mommy recently posted..Thanksgiving Recipe ~ How to Roast the Perfect Turkey
Nadine Garcia
Ohhhh boyyyyyy;( so sorry to hear what you’re going through! My prayers are with you!!! Hopefully you’ll find some relief with the new meds..
Oh wow. I hope you feel better soon. Sending prayers for you and your little girl.
cam recently posted..Living the Dream?
Twitter: naptimeismytime
I hope the meds work! Hang in there girl.
Emily recently posted..what I pinned tuesday
Melissa at Tall Blonde
Hope you are feeling better. Prayers coming your way!
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