
When Avery was born I was so anxious to watch her personality shine. I wondered how different she would be from Harlan. Would she like the same things, have the same mannerisms? Or would she step out and show us that she was one of her own.

Although I see so much of how Harlan was in Avery, they are very much individuals. For anyone who knows Avery know that she has proved that she loves to be the one that stands out in a crowd. She’s not as talkative as Harlan was, but she does let us know exactly what she wants and when she wants it.

One of the things that was most surprising to me was just how much Avery would look up to her big sister. As the girls get older, their relationship gets closer and closer. Avery has quickly become Har’s little shadow. Everything her big sister does A has to try to do too.

A couple of weeks ago MacKay and I were getting the girls ready for bed. After brushing teeth, both girls usually run into their room and each go to their beds. Harlan jumps in her bed while Avery waits patiently by her crib for us to lift her in. But on this night, rather than going to her crib Avery ran into Harlan’s bed and proceeded to pull the blanket up and tell us goodnight.

MacKay and I had talked about moving her out of the crib, especially with the baby coming soon. We wanted to make the transition far before the baby came so that there wouldn’t be too much changing in her life when her new little brother arrives.

That night, with Avery nearly begging  us to sleep in Harlan’s bed, we took her mattress out of her crib and laid it on the floor just to see how she would do without any constraints. It was such a sudden decision, but when Avery has her mind set, there isn’t much that will change it.

That night Avery didn’t leave her mattress at all and slept as soundly as ever.

The next night Harlan asked us to do the same with her mattress so that they could have a slumber party.


With Harlan we spent so much time looking at toddler beds and preparing her for the change out of the crib. Avery’s transition was the exact opposite. More proof that parenthood is never the same and will always keep you on your toes.

I feel so blessed that Avery made this transition easy on us. She may be little, but she’s not too small for a big girl bed. With this new independence and big girl mentality, we are going to give the girls a real “big girl room” this month. I have been dreaming about this for a long time and know the girls will love to have a space that is all their own.

I’ve teamed up with the ladies at Bellini and have so many amazing things to surprise the girls with. I have always loved their furniture and design ideas, so it was an obvious fit. We are completely re-doing their room to make it a big girl’s oasis.

I am also honored to have my dear friend and amazing artist, Sam Simon, helping us on the project. His gorgeous painting was my inspiration behind the room.

Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ve been working on. Are we surprised by all of the pink and gold? 😉



As much as it breaks me a little bit inside to watch Avery grow into her own and well into toddlerhood, I am falling more and more in love with the girl she is becoming. Not only is she a really amazing little “big” girl, but she’s going to be a great big sister too.

P.S. For those of you living in small spaces, Michelle Freedberg, owner of Bellini, shared some tips for sharing a small space over at Babble!

One comment


You are so luck that the crib to toddler bed transition went so well! My 2.5 year old is still in his crib, and while I love that he likes his crib and is safe there, I need the crib for his baby sister! I wrote here about what happened when we took down his crib railings: http://mommycallblog.com/2013/06/12/crib-redux/

Hope that you continue to have good little sleepers!
Katie @ Mommy Call recently posted..Mommy Memory Lane

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