By now you all know about my love affair with Target. Living in the city, our trips to Target are a very special treat because it either requires us to rent a car or take a very long public transportation ride (which is nearly impossible to take on the way home with all of the stuff that you buy at Target. And let’s face it, you always buy a lot of stuff at Target.)
Harlan and I took our quarterly trips to Target during date days because her love for the store is just about as deep as mine is. The girl could literally stay there all day checking out every single aisle.
One of the things that I am looking forward to the most about our move to Connecticut (other than the space, backyard, car) is that Target is just down the road. It was one of the first questions that I asked my realtor when we looked at houses. I told you I was mildly obsessed.
I plan on doing getting my groceries, baby supplies, outdoor furniture, and even my prescriptions filled at Target. It’s definitely a one stop shop that you can easily spend hours in.
When Target contacted me to tell you about Target Pharmacy, it was such an easy yes for me. I used their pharmacy when I lived in Tampa and got all of my prescriptions filled while I did my shopping.
When we move, I plan on doing the same and it will be easy to get all of my medications transferred because of Target makes it easy to Flip the Script . Think of this as an invitation to transfer to Target Pharmacy. You can do it in-store, online or on your phone, which is incredibly convenient.
And because Target loves to give back to their customers, Target Pharmacy has a rewards program called Target Pharmacy Rewards. After only 5 prescription fills (yes, vaccinations count too!) you receive 5% off a whole day of shopping (in-store and online.)
Finally, one of my favorite things about Target Pharmacy is that I can drop off my prescription and shop instead of waiting like I have to do here in the city (which is no easy task with three littles ones.) As soon as the prescription is ready, they send you a text.
Target is a happy place for many moms I know because it has everything that you need and more. And Target Pharmacy has that too.
Now doesn’t all this Target talk want to make you jump in your car and do some shopping?! You can get a head start by winning a $50 Target eGiftCard. Fill out the form below to enter! Good luck!
Disclosure:Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Target. All opinions are my own.