Say it aint so! Macks is 11 months and growing like crazy. I swear each day he’s becoming so much more of a person with a beaming personality.
This month brought us a huge milestone. Macks is walking! While he’s not doing it all of the time, he is taking steps from place to place when he wants to. He’s realized that he can crawl faster than he can walk, so that’s what he prefers for the time being. He also all about mimicking. From shaking his head to sticking out his tounge, he loves to try to do what we are doing.
It’s so amazing to watch him comprehend things that we say. We tell him to give kisses, wave hi and bye or night night, do the milk sign, and he does it all. It’s becoming so much easier to communicate with him and I love it.
His birthday party is planned for early next month and I cannot wait to celebrate his first year. Now if only I can get my emotions under control. 😉
{Month One :: Month Two :: Month Three :: Month Four :: Month Five :: Month Six :: Month Seven :: Month Eight :: Month Nine :: Month Ten}