Now that it’s November it feels like the holiday season is officially here. It really is my favorite time of the year. There is just happiness that eludes everywhere you go. The kids and I have been talking a lot about the holidays. We stay home every year, as it’s too crazy to travel with all three. And while it’s hard not having our extended family with us, it’s also a time of year that we get closer than ever.
I’m looking forward to that this year. Now that the kids are older and understand it better, it gets so much more meaningful when we celebrate with one another.
That’s what makes me happy.
Now tell me something good. Something that’s made you happy. It can be big, it can be small, just something that has put a smile on your face. You can participate by sharing a photo on Wednesday with the hashtag #WhyImHappyWednesday and tagging me @laurenjimeson or feel free to write it in the comments below. I do read them all and am happy to reply back on your good news! You can also join in the conversation on my Facebook page!