It seems like the weather here in NYC is so unpredictable lately. Last week we went from having to pull out the winter coats again in the beginning of the week just to turn around and have it feel like summer. This weekend was a mix of cool temperatures and a lot of rain. As much as we love spending time outside as a family exploring the city during our weekends, we didn’t let the weather get us down.

Harlan is a big fan of the many museums we have in the city. I saw that MoMA had a new rain exhibit that is being featured throughout the summer and what better day to go and see the rain exhibit than on a very rainy day in the city.

We set out for the museum in the rain only to show up to see that the new exhibit had a line that would take us about five hours to wait in just to see the new rain exhibit. We didn’t want to stand in the rain just to see the rain, so we made our way inside the museum to explore.


Harlan and MacKay are like two peas in a pod when they get inside a museum. They are both into the same things and just walk around discussing different pieces of art with one another. It’s quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve seen. I love watching them in their element together.

While MacKay and Har did their thing, Avery and I set out to see some things of our own. The tricky thing with going to a museum with a toddler that loves to walk everywhere is that they want to walk everywhere. I attempted to get Avery out and let her explore when we got to the museum and the second that she tried to climb on an exhibit it was back in the stroller she went. Although confined, she still had fun checking out different pieces of art with me.





We tried to create our own art in this picture. Just a little Warhol to get you through your day. 😉

Usually MacKay and Harlan have their “dates” at museums by themselves. This was the first time in a very long time that I’ve tagged along. I couldn’t believe how interested Harlan was in all of the art. She would see abstract pieces and tell me what she “saw” in them.

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And no day would be complete without a little twirling. It’s even more fun to do it at MoMa.

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We entered the room full of paintings and Harlan sat on the bench in the middle of the room and said, “Mom, I want to draw a picture.” She found a pencil and paper and proceeded to draw for the rest of our time at the museum. I love that she felt inspired by all of the art that surrounded her.

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She even felt a little inspired to strike a pose. (I fully blame my sister for teaching her the “hands on the hip” pose.)


She wanted Avery and I to pose with her too. (P.S. Why does Avery look HUGE in this picture??)


We decided to make it a rainy walk home because our train wasn’t running (gotta love the weekend schedule changes) and I’m glad we did. They were filming both Anchorman 2 and a new movie with Bradley Cooper called American Hustle. We saw these cabs everywhere we walked yesterday and I think it was for both movies. Always love walking through a movie set on our way home. It’s what makes NYC so incredible.
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Har had fun walking in the rain with her umbrella. She loves to be independent and do her own “big girl thing.”

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Until she gets too tired and needs to be carried home by daddy.

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Although it was a rainy one, our weekend was spent just the way that I love; with my family.

Hope you had a great weekend!



I love that you are exposing her t o art at such a young age!
Meagan{Green Motherhood} recently posted..A Little Joy in our World


Thank you! It’s so fun. Especially when they enjoy it.


Love the denim vest and over the shoulder bag! Glad you all had a blast at the museum and got to see the movie sets.

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