Guest Post: Organizing Your Mini’s Materpieces

Since moving to New York City and into a smaller space I find it incredibly difficult to find space for all of Harlan’s things. I find myself getting creative with places and even the smallest space can fit something of hers, but still have things left over that take over our apartment and make it … Continue Reading

Guest Post: Organizing Your Mini's Materpieces

Since moving to New York City and into a smaller space I find it incredibly difficult to find space for all of Harlan’s things. I find myself getting creative with places and even the smallest space can fit something of hers, but still have things left over that take over our apartment and make it … Continue Reading

Getting Gorgeous

After all of the crummy weather we have been having in the city lately, we were finally blessed with an amazing weekend. The sun was out and it finally started to feel like Spring. On Saturday I had the pleasure of attending Getting Gorgeous with Degree, an event hosted by Vera Sweeney and Audrey McClelland. … Continue Reading

Discovering Baby Einstein with Kelly Rutherford

When Harlan was a baby it was important to me to have toys and gear that not only could keep her entertained and engaged, but were also educational. My first discovery of Baby Einstein was at my baby shower when we were given DVDs and the Baby Neptune Ocean Adventure Gym. Once Harlan was born … Continue Reading