Our family Thanksgiving trip in Alabama was booked months in advance. I was looking forward to getting away from the city for a while and spending some much needed quality time with my family. No matter how far advanced this trip was planned out, it still left me with a near panic attack the night before we left. I was so worried that I would forget something for Harlan and we wouldn’t be able to buy it in Nicholsville. I checked her bag of stuff two or three times and probably ended up packing way too much food and clothes for her, but if something were to happen or go wrong, Harlan would be all set (that’s how my crazy mind thinks.)
My sister, Danielle, was travelling with us too so I made sure to call her several times on Monday to see what she was bringing so we didn’t double pack and to make sure she had everything set. I told MacKay numerous times on Monday night and Tuesday morning before we left to make sure he had everything.
I knew our travel days were going to be LONG. We had a layover in Atlanta and once we landed in Ft. Walton we still had a 3 hour drive. I was trying to be as calm as possible and think positive thoughts because secretly in the back of my head I was freaking out with having to travel with Harlan for that long. You put a 13 hour travel day with a very squirmy and active toddler and it could turn out to be a disaster.
It turned out that Harlan was the least of my trouble that day. When we got to the airport to check in the attendant asked us for our IDs. Danielle and I quickly whipped ours out, but when I looked over at MacKay he is searching every pocket he has for his. After 5 minutes of searching, he comes to the realization that he forgot it at the apartment (after I asked 5 trillion times if he had it.) Making the day more stressful, he has no other government ID on him and nothing with a picture on it. The attendant tells us there is nothing he can do so MacKay’s only option is to hurry back into the city (we were at Newark) and get his ID (he said he had no clue where it was at the apartment.) He left all of his things with us and hurried as fast as we could.
Frantic and stressed, I began to think of all the options for him in case he missed his flight. I asked another attendant when the next flight was after explaining our situation and she informed me that it’s OK that he left his ID he just needs to go through a screening process with TSA. At that point I wanted to rip someones head off. I called MacKay to tell him to get back here, but he wouldn’t answer his phone (go figure!) After finally getting in touch with him he was almost to the city. So my sister and I had to lug his suitcase, four bags, Harlan and her suitcase through security. You would have laughed if you saw us. We were. It was insane. Thankfully TSA was very helpful. We got to our gate and played the waiting game. Still no MacKay. We got on the plane and played the waiting game. Still no MacKay. Last call for the flight and I finally see MacKay get on the plane with a big smile on his face. He came on acting like he had plenty of time and it was no big deal. Little did he know I was having a major panic attack inside.
That was just the start of our trip. Thankfully the rest of it was not as stressful as the beginning. It was actually stress free which is exactly what I needed.
Thank goodness for my sister. She helped out SO MUCH the entire trip, including the long plane rides! |
Harlan spent most of the ride there sitting in my lap and watching “Yo Gabba Gabba” on the portable DVD player (a lifesaver!) |
She LOVED looking out the window and seeing everything so far down. Especially at night when she could see the lights. |
MacKay took over for a little bit and showed Harlan all of the cool things in Sky Mall magazine. |
Mesmorized by Yo Gabba Gabba |
This may not be a big deal to some of you but this meal was one of the highlights of my trip. I’ve waited so long for some Chick-Fila. It was SO good, even if it was from the airport. |
We finally made it! This is a view from the house looking at the barn. |
Our first morning and we were both decked out in camo and ready to go explore the woods. |
Aunt Danni was ready to go out with us. |
Within 15 minutes of being on the ATV she was asleep. I don’t know how because it was loud and bumpy. It probably reminded her of her time in her stroller on the city streets. |
We made an outing to WalMart and Dirt Cheap to see what goodies we could find. |
This was our find at WalMart. Harlan’s fist pair of Christmas pajamas. |
Thanksgiving Day. Harlan was all dressed up. |
The night of Thanksgiving we made it back out to the fields to let her roam around and get some energy out. We saw several deers that evening. |
Harlan and my brother really bonded on this trip. It’s great to see them love on her so much. |
This place had fried southern food galore! This will satisfy my craving for at least another year! |
Spending time with Har |
Enjoying some roasted marshmallows the night before we left. Such a treat. |
This is the entire Ft. Walton Beach airport. It took us forever to get through security there because they had to test everything and MacKay even got the pat down. |
Harlan was so tired from such a great week with family. |
I know it sounds cheesy and cliche but its times like this that I truly understand what I am thankful for. I have the most amazing and supportive family I could have ever asked for.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got to spend it with the people you cherish the most.
(P.S. These were just pictures that I took with my phone. For more pictures, be sure to visit my
Facebook page)