My worst fear as a parent is something happening to my child. Honestly, I used to contemplate whether I even wanted children because of the anxiety that comes with it. I didn’t want the risk of being hurt or stressed that something would happen to them. My selfish thoughts are those of the past and I now know that the reward greatly outweighs the “risk.”
On vacation two weeks ago I was putting sunscreen on Harlan when I felt a big lump underneath her chin. My first instinct was to freak out {I’ve discussed my struggle with anxiety and hypochondria before}. This lump didn’t feel like anything she has ever had. It was really big. After calming myself down I rationally thought about it and concluded it was a swollen lymph node. Harlan was battling a sinus infection and I thought it was inflamed because she was sick. It’s not uncommon for infants and toddlers to have visible lymph nodes on their neck.
After keeping it to myself for about a day and checking the lump again I asked my parents and MacKay to feel it. None of them are medical experts, but in my mind their opinion was a sense of comfort. Of course they really had no idea. I tried to shrug it off, but it wasn’t working. Harlan’s sinus infection was getting worse and she constantly tugged at her ear. Fortunately, we have her old pediatrician in Tampa and he saw us right away.
MacKay took her to the doctor {I was too anxiety stricken to go with him} to have her sinuses checked out and give us some insight on the lump under her chin. He immediately noticed her discolored snot {for lack of a better word} and wrote her a prescription for an antibiotic. He felt the lump under her chin and discounted it for a lymph node. It felt too big to be a swollen lymph node {it’s about the size of an olive} but he wasn’t quite sure what it was. His theory was that it was a congenital lump that has gotten bigger as Harlan has grown. He said we needed to see an ENT as soon as we got back to NYC. MacKay said he tried to explain other theories but wasn’t quite as clear as he needed to be. Basically we left with more questions than answers.
The good news was that the lump was “rubbery” and and he could grab it. Other than that, we were at a loss. After speaking with MacKay about the appointment, I immediately did the worst thing you can possibly do; I googled. The worse case scenario came up. The “c” word came across my screen.
My mind wandered aimlessly. I told myself rational thoughts. If the doctor thought it was serious he would have immediately sent us to the hospital. Then I had some irrational thoughts. Why did he tell us to go immediately when we got back to NYC? What would happen if I wait?
As soon as MacKay got home from the doctor we called an ENT in NYC and scheduled an appointment. The earliest they had was over a week away which meant we had to play the waiting game. I loathe waiting. It always gets the best of me. I tried not to google anything else and cherished the time with my family.
As the weeks went by Harlan was acting completely normal. You would have never known anything was wrong. Our life continued as normal and we did our best to not show our anxiety. We didn’t want Harlan to feel our stress. Before I knew it, it was the day of the appointment.
My stomach churned as I walked into the doctor’s office this morning. Harlan immediately freaked out as we walked in the exam room {she extremely dislikes doctors.} The doctor quickly saw us and answered some of our many questions.
He felt the lump in her chin. Good news is that it decreased in size. I flat out asked him if it was cancer. He was 99.9% sure that it isn’t. Amazing news! That said, he isn’t sure what the lump is. It could be a number of things. He told me that tests are needed to get a clear answer. It could be an abnormally large lymph node or a cyst. The latter will need to be surgically removed.
I left the doctor’s office with a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. We still have questions, but my number one question has been answered. I am very thankful for that. Our ultrasound appointment is next week. We should know everything shortly after that.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for Harlan. God heard them. Thank you for the tweets, emails, text messages, phone calls, Facebook messages, etc. I truly appreciate every one of them.
If I have learned anything from this situation it is to cherish your children. Life is too precious. Time is too precious.
The Mommyologist
OMG I felt like I was going to throw up reading this. This is the first I’d heard about it and I cannot even imagine how scary the past couple weeks must’ve been for you. Sending prayers and hugs that everything with sweet little Harlan is ok!!!
I didn’t say anything until this post. Yesterday I asked for prayers but didn’t specify why. I didn’t want to say much because we didn’t really know much. Although we don’t know much more now, I feel much more confident it’s not anything life threatening.
I am so glad!! I can only imagine what you must have gone through. Keep us updated.
Thank you! Will do!
Monica @MacaroniKidNYC
This post brought tears to my eyes. I can’t even imagine what you’ve been going through these past few weeks. Thank goodness today brought some positive news. Har is so lucky to have such wonderful, caring parents who took swift and decisive action. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with your family as this story unfolds. Please keep us posted! xoxo
Thanks Monica! Her ultrasound is scheduled for Friday and I will let everyone know as soon as I do!
Mama Kat
I had a VERY similar incident with my daughter last year. Same kind of lump right under her chin and you’re so right…it just completely freaked me out too. My mind immediately wandered to cancer. We had it checked out right away and I worked really hard to stay positive. It turned out to be a swollen lymph node and I’ll pray you get the same results. Nothing else is acceptable.
Mama Kat recently posted..Writerβs Workshop- Big Man On Campus
It’s comforting to know that everything turned out okay with your daughter. This whole situation has me a wreck! I’m hoping with the same results as well!
blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell
This is wonderful news, and I’m so glad the doctor has discounted the C word. I can’t even imagine how terrified you’ve been and filled with worry. Let us know what comes next.
blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell recently posted..Cinco de Mayo Recipe &8211 Mexican Chocolate Cupcakes
I will! She has an ultrasound on Friday so hoping for good news next week!
Vida @mommylok
Wow – as with the other commenters, I can’t imagine. You are so right: we do need to cherish our children more – life is WAY too precious. I’ll continue to send healthy wishes to Harlan. Stay strong!
Thank you!
I teared up as I read this. I am terrified that something will happen to my kids as well.
Your family is in my thoughts.
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Thank you! It is terrifying sometimes!
Melissa at Tall Blonde
Oh my goodness! This made me tear up just reading it. Life is definitely too short and our babies are all too precious! Glad that all the prayers and thoughts were answered.
Hang on tight to your precious girl! Glad things went well! What a relief for you. I just could not imagine if I would have been in your shoes.
Have a great weekend!
Melissa at Tall Blonde recently posted..Cheersy- Jeersy
Thanks Melissa! It’s definitely made me put things in perspective!
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
Lauren, you are so brave to have gone through this these past couple of weeks. You where your burdens so lightly that I would have never known you were going thorough this. How scary! Google can be really useful, but in time like this, it’s super scary. You are right about one thing — make time for your children and cherish it. TIme IS too precious. Saying a prayer for you and Harlan tonight And sending a special hug to you gals. xoxo
Alicia @MommyDelicious recently posted..Lucky Kids Launch at Stella McCartney
Thank you Alicia. I didn’t want to say anything to anyone until I knew more. Hoping for good news next week from the doctor!
Tara P.
Twitter: 3psmama
Whoa, that is so scary! Glad you got relieving news and hope you get more after the ultrasound.
Thank you! I hope so too!
Wow – I’m so glad your daughter is okay. I can’t even imagne the anxiety you went through wondering what was gong on wtih her. But again, she’s okay and that’s all that matters.
Denise recently posted..Happy Baby
Thank you Denise! I am glad everything has turned out well so far!
Twitter: nycpatty
I know exactly what you were going through and I am so glad you got poditive news. I’ll keep her in my prayers and hope the ultrasound goes well. Sending positive vibes & healing hugs! π
Patty recently posted..Far-Out Fashion Friday
Thank you Patty! I remember reading about your dad. How is he? Thank you for the prayers. Your family is in mine as well. π
Jennifer G.
Twitter: take2mommy
Oh gosh I am so sorry and sad that you had to go through all that stress and worry. And I am SO relieved that you got positive input from the NY doc. Hugs to u and your lil baby girl!
Jennifer G. recently posted..2230 Miles
Thank you Jennifer! I was so happy for the positive news too!
Carrie with Children
Twitter: CarrieWChildren
I’m so sorry to hear this news. Please know that while our situations are different, I still understand exactly where you are coming from when dealing with the unknown. I’m sending you, McKay and H lots of hugs and positive thoughts. Please let me know if you ever want to vent..or chat. I’m here π
Carrie with Children recently posted..Favorite Friday Video- Make-A-Wish Day 2011 β A Dancerβs Wish
I know you do Carrie! Thank you for your sweet words. They mean so much!
Twitter: mommyofamonster
SO glad that everything is okay – and I really will keep your beautiful girl in my prayers! Stay strong π
Natalie recently posted..Monster Likes 16
THank you Natalie!