Harlan looks like she made that chocolate her bitch but I see the chocolate fought back a bit , evident by the chocolate shiner that she is sporting:)LOL I love it. Chocoholics of the world..unite! Truthful Mommy recently posted..Daddy Juice My water to wine
Kids and candy crack me up because they like to savor it a lot, and they don’t quite get that the longer they hold it, the more it melts all over their hands (instead of being enjoyed in their bellies).l
Love the chocolate pictures. Also prayers will go up for you and Har for the appt. tomorrow. I just had a call from Aunt Bea wanting to know if it is the second appt. Let us know what the doctor says.
Mia has the same jammies, or I should say had (too big for them now 🙁 ). Your girl is so cute! Melissa at Tall Blonde recently posted..Drama For Your Mama
Oh my 2 year old is obsessed with chocolate! It’s funny, the way she says it is “chalk! chalk!”. What an adorable picture! Ashley recently posted..Pouring my heart out today
Love this!! Although it makes a huge mess, it’s too much fun to watch them do it to NOT let them do it!
And I gotta say – I love her bald head…my twins were bald until just a few months ago (they’re almost 2 now!) so I appreciate the little bald babies 🙂 Natalie recently posted..Monster Likes 16
Lauren Jimeson is the author of Sincerely, Lauren (formerly A Mommy in the City.) Sincerely, Lauren goes back to the roots of why she started this blog, to write notes about her life, things that make her happy, and stories about what inspires her. She lives in Connecticut with her three children, Harlan, Avery, and Macks, and her husband, MacKay.
Truthful Mommy
Twitter: TruthfulMommy
Harlan looks like she made that chocolate her bitch but I see the chocolate fought back a bit , evident by the chocolate shiner that she is sporting:)LOL I love it. Chocoholics of the world..unite!
Truthful Mommy recently posted..Daddy Juice My water to wine
She LOVES LOVES LOVES chocolate. Her obsession is starting to scare me! She asks for it all the time!
Twitter: nycpatty
She looks like she thoroughly ehjoyed it! Great pics! 🙂
Patty recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Ugly Dress Store
Sandra Guirguis
Love the pics!! She is sooo cute 🙂
Kids and candy crack me up because they like to savor it a lot, and they don’t quite get that the longer they hold it, the more it melts all over their hands (instead of being enjoyed in their bellies).l
Love the chocolate pictures. Also prayers will go up for you and Har for the appt. tomorrow. I just had a call from Aunt Bea wanting to know if it is the second appt. Let us know what the doctor says.
Melissa at Tall Blonde
Mia has the same jammies, or I should say had (too big for them now 🙁 ). Your girl is so cute!
Melissa at Tall Blonde recently posted..Drama For Your Mama
Sarah at The Stroller Ballet
Oh how yummy! (Harlan and the chocolate!!) Peanut’s a huge fan of chocolate, too. It’s so cute to see them enjoying things like this…so adult!!
Twitter: glamamom
Hello cuteness! Smart girl 🙂
Glamamom recently posted..FENDI KIDS SS 2011 COLLECTION
this photo is too cute, and definitely makes me want to be a kid again when a girl could just enjoy her chocolate!
anna recently posted..May Handprint Crafts for May Day- Mothers Day & Memorial Day
OMG!!! I love it! Too funny. She is looking at her hands like….”What is THIS?”
betsy recently posted..Real Life Cool Kids- Keira
Twitter: AnotherMomOf2
Oh my 2 year old is obsessed with chocolate! It’s funny, the way she says it is “chalk! chalk!”. What an adorable picture!
Ashley recently posted..Pouring my heart out today
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
This is TOO adorable! Can she better any cuter?
Alicia @MommyDelicious recently posted..Lucky Kids Launch at Stella McCartney
Ha! She LOVES chocolate!
Twitter: mommyofamonster
Love this!! Although it makes a huge mess, it’s too much fun to watch them do it to NOT let them do it!
And I gotta say – I love her bald head…my twins were bald until just a few months ago (they’re almost 2 now!) so I appreciate the little bald babies 🙂
Natalie recently posted..Monster Likes 16
I know! She gets mistaken for a boy all the time! She does have some hair but it is so blonde that it blends in with her head!