As moms, we all make mistakes. Every single one of us. What make us good moms is that we can learn from these mistakes and move on from them.
Here is the story of one of my many mistakes I’ve made as a mom.
Here is the link to the mistake I referred to on the vlog regarding me locking Harlan in the car.
Here is the original story to why Harlan needed stitches on her eye to begin with!

Twitter: glamamom
Hmm, I’m told the vid is private…
Glamamom recently posted..DAIQUIRI DAYS
Fixed! Don’t know why it did that. Thanks for letting me know!
Twitter: glamamom
🙂 Well, you know I have a similar story of when Sebastian fell off the vanity. Good thing these little things are so resilient.
Glamamom recently posted..DAIQUIRI DAYS
Yes! I do remember that story! I wish I could have about half as much resiliency as they do.
Monica @MacaroniKidNYC
The fact that the video is “private” is making me even more intrigued! 😉
Fixed now! Don’t know why it uploaded that way!
Mrs Pancakes
I’m not a parent yet but definitely all parents make mistakes!
Mrs Pancakes recently posted..Jumping the Broom
And we learn from all of them!
Alison@Mama Wants This
Twitter: MamaWantsThis
Aw poor Harlan and poor Mommy! You were very brave to share this 🙂
Stopping by from vlogtalk.
Alison@Mama Wants This recently posted..I vlogged Yes- I did Crap
Thanks for stopping by! I think we need to be honest sometimes and let people know we aren’t perfect! I’m no where near it!
Polish Mama on the Prairie
Twitter: PolPrairieMama
Aww, hugs to you! Things happen and as long as we realize when something went wrong and immediately fix it and learn from it, that’s all we can do. And if anyone says that they never had one situation like this in their parenting “career”, they are either lying or extremely lucky. Glad to hear all turned out ok from your post.
Polish Mama on the Prairie recently posted..Teaching My Children Polish
Yeah I know I’m not alone with this one! Thanks for your kind words!
Twitter: elenawollborg
Well, I always remember that they’re totally fine in the end. I’ve made mistakes and turned my head for a second and boom – they’ve fallen off something as well. It happens! Thanks for linking up with us!
Elena recently posted..Mommy Knows Best Sort Of
There have been many more mistakes since then. I just feel so bad when I make them. Guess it only makes me a better mom!
Sarah at The Stroller Ballet
Such a hard thing to go through!! Sometimes it seems like when it rains it pours :(. Glad everything was ok. We all make mistakes, brave of you to share!
I felt like the worst mom ever! I was so scared she broke her nose and we would have to go back to the hospital only to have to be put under again!
Twitter: PatchOfBlue724
Before I became a mom, I accidentally locked my one yr old nephew in a car…
Anyway, my son split his forehead open on a rock, didn’t get stitches (although i still think he could have used at least two) and jumped off the couch the following week, reopening the wound. I know how days like that go, they are awful, but it’s good to know that our babies are ok and we can look back and tell the story one day with a smile.
Teresa recently posted..Lovely weekend
It’s the worst feeling isn’t it? Terrifying! Yes! I am so glad that both of our stories have a happy ending. Still makes you feel horrible when it’s going on though!
Truthful Mommy
Twitter: TruthfulMommy
Aww, mama, HUGS> I’ve been there. I actually did have to take Gabs in for a CAT scan when she fell off the changing table. We thought she had a concussion, happened that it was actually she was simultaneously getting the stomach flu…hence the projectile vomiting.Poor Mama. It wasn’t on purpose and we ALL make mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up too badly.XO
Truthful Mommy recently posted..Theta MomMy TRUTH
Oh no! Talk about bad timing! That’s exactly how I felt when she fell off the bed! I think I beat myself up about it more than it actually hurt her! Why do we do that so ofen?!
Twitter: nycpatty
Can I buy you a drink for being brave enough to blog this story? 🙂
The good news is that your little one is resilient and she has one terrific Momma!
Patty recently posted..Five Amazing Women
Ha! Thank you! I don’t think I told it on the original story because I didn’t want to look horrible. I am becoming more and more secure in my mistakes and realize that it only makes me stronger and a better mom because I learn from them. Thank you for your kind words Patty!
Oh girl, I know what you mean! My middle child has a particularly hard walking week once (tons of bruises on his legs!) and I was just sure his pre-school teachers were going to call CPS about me! ha! Thankfully kids are pretty resilient. But you poor thing!
Elaine recently posted..Meeting Bloggers is so Much Fun!
Twitter: mytimeasmom
Oh my goodness. Poor Harlan. Poor Mommy. My little one fell of the bed once too and luckily nothing happened. I’m glad the hospital didn’t call CPS on you.
Jessica recently posted..Potty training blues
My poor kid always looks like he fell off something, or into something, or through something…*sigh* he clearly got my grace! Anyway, you’re definitely not alone:):)
thepsychobabble recently posted..V-logThree Favorite Magazines
Twitter: noshoppingliz
Awww….so glad to hear everyone was fine! Cal still falls off stuff..and she’s 11! I’m just waiting for the day I don’t feel like I’m going to have a heart attack every time it happens!
elizabeth-flourishinprogress recently posted..Monday Dare- All I need is a nugget of canned cheese
Twitter: LittleMsP
BTDT Mom! It’s scary and Thank God they’re tougher than they look! My son fell off a bed w/me standing in front of him. Meg, dumped out of a carrier at McDs. Sean dropping a days old Bridge. (she was on pallet on floor, started to cry, he wanted to help) Best of all, both my daughters have been to ER for rough play incidents. Bridge had to get her eybrow area stiched once cause she was sure she could fly like a dragon off her bed, she also busted her lip playing w/Meg. Meg got a whopper of black eye when she hit Bridge’s head during more rough play.
See, we’ve all had em.
You just kept getting pummeled with mom guilt that day! When Maddie gave herself a concussion, she then hit her head twice more.
Total #MomFail
liz recently posted..It&8217s the &8220Being Practical&8221 that&8217s Killer
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
I remember you telling this story. That must have been so scary! I would have totally freaked out too. I really admire how brave you are with telling it like it is with instances like these. Many people would only share all the “good” things, while leaving out the “real” things.
That was an honest mistake and it happens to the best of us. Aiden fell off the bed a couple of times back when he used climb in my bed in the middle of the night. He’s also fallen off the couch while he was asleep b/c I left him alone to get something in the kitchen. It happens. I’ve learned that it doesn’t make us neglectful parents. Just humans.
Alicia @MommyDelicious recently posted..Big Apple Circus Presents Dance On!
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
PS: You are so GOOD at these Vlogs. You’re a natural!
Alicia @MommyDelicious recently posted..Big Apple Circus Presents Dance On!
Twitter: Mommymonologues
I didn’t buckle my little guy into his high chair & he kicked it backwards & then I thought he was about to black out. Freaked out, went straight to the doctor, & by the time we go there he was fine. But the doctor told me freaking out & bringing him in the was the smart thing to do. Now? I make sure no matter how old he is that I buckle him in the seat if I’m going to put him in there.
All parents make mistakes like this one, it’s just part of the game! You seem to be a great mom!
And what else are you great at?! VLOGGING!