I’m participating in Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop again! This week’s prompt: If Social Media died tomorrow, describe another hobby you might get into.
I never intended for blogging to turn into a hobby. When I started this blog I merely wanted to keep my family and friends in the loop on how our life was going living in a new city. It has turned into so much more than that now. Writing this blog has become therapeutic and an outlet for me. I have made great friends and met wonderful people I would have never met otherwise.
Before I moved to the city and started blogging, I was a sixth grade science teacher. I adored my job. It was tough being around a bunch of hormonal kids, but it fulfilled my life in a way that I’ve never experienced before. The people that I worked with became my family and the kids I taught felt like my own children.
I was so upset when I had to leave my school. I looked for a position up here, but nothing seemed to work out and logistically, it just made sense for me to stay home with Harlan. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that I can stay at home with her now. Our relationship has flourished over the past year that I have spent with her at home.
What’s even better is that I can stay at home with her and still be able to maintain a job managing social media for other companies as well as my own. I would have never thought that social media would consume my life as much as it does, but I love every minute of it.
If twitter, Facebook, and my blog were gone tomorrow, I’d be a very sad and depressed woman. I’d essentially be out of a job and depleted of an activity I’ve come to love and enjoy.
Choosing something else to occupy my time that would be as fulfilling as social media would be tough but I’d have to do something. I would probably go back to teaching because I loved it so much. I wouldn’t teach full time, but start tutoring local kids. I’d still be able to stay at home with Harlan and enjoy making an impact in other kid’s lives {why I went into teaching in the first place.}
I don’t really know if tutoring is considered a hobby or not, but it is something that I would enjoy just as much as I do social media. It would still help me reach and impact others, just as I am hoping I am doing on this blog.
What hobby would you get into?

Twitter: sellabitmum
Oh you would be an awesome teacher!
One of the hobbies I’d get into would be cooking. I know people don’t think of it as a hobby, but I would really love to learn to cook a variety of meals.
Jennifer@ The Mommy Mambo
Oh NO! I’ve thought about giving up blogging for my own kid’s sake. But somebody else’s kids!? NO WAY! LOL
Nice Post!
Alison@Mama Wants This
Twitter: MamaWantsThis
I can’t even imagine social media dying. My eye is twitching just thinking about it!
BUT, if it did, I would probably try my hand at sewing, crafting, making jewelry.
Or just go shopping. 🙂
Sarah at The Stroller Ballet
I can’t imagine life without this blogging world!! It’s given me so many things – I think I, too, would be depressed if it died. I guess I’d have to go back to teaching, too! Ha!
Twitter: babspinfrance
I don’t know what I would do if social media died! I guess I would try to do something creative with my time or maybe I could actually try to do some housework! My husband might love it!
I don’t even like to think about social media being gone!
I didn’t realize you were a teacher. Or if I did, I forgot- b/c my child ren have killed most of my brain cells. I think my favorite year of teaching was 8th grade science/ss
cam-bibs and baubles
sadly… my name is Cam and i’m a social media addict. What on earth would I do without it?
Great question! and great post!
Twitter: mytimeasmom
I think being a tutor would be a great hobby. That is if social media disappeared, which I hope it never does.
Katy @ Dim Sum Debutante
Twitter: dimsumdebutante
Wow. Wouldn’t all of our lives be different without social media?? Scary thought. I don’t think I could go back to teaching or anything else that deals with other people’s kids. I’d like to be a more ambitious cook!
Twitter: noshoppingliz
Aw, you would totally be any kid’s dream teacher.
If I didn’t have my blog, I think I would consider going back to school to get a college degree. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for some time and although I’ve taken one or two classes here and there, I would seriously think about going back full time.
Bicultural Mama
I would still write as I’ve wanted to do that even before I started blogging. But no worries, social media is here to stay!
anna ~ random handprints
what an interesting topic to think about – i’ve been working full or p/t in online marketing for fifteen years now (my goodness i’m old) so i can’t imagine not doing this, but if the internets broke tomorrow, i think i’d take up gardening. just started my first garden this spring and i can see why people love it so much, such a fun hobby!
If I had time for something else, I would absolutely love to spend it scrapbooking. It’s been way too long since I had a chance to do that!
Twitter: glamamom
I can totally see you as a teacher. You’re very laid back and patient.
I’d really be screwed without social media at this point. Seems I’ve put my eggs all in one basket. Well, I mean, I could always model but…
Twitter: elenawollborg
It really is awesome for all the things that social media has to offer. I’d miss it as well. I don’t know that I’d get a new hobby – I’d probably just sit there and sulk. 😉
Let’s hope we never have to worry about the end of social media. But I would probably do more sewing or even more art work.
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
Hmmm… good prompt. I’m so attached to social media right now and love blogging and the community it has introduced me to. If it were to go today, I would probably work with parents in parenting groups. I’d like to do that on a part time basis.