Thank you to BING Social Search for sponsoring my post about social media. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

I remember the first time that I joined a “social media network.” It was Summer of 2004 and Myspace was the cool thing to be a part of. My boyfriend at the time was on it and talked me into joining. I remember spending hours that summer on the site looking for friends, talking with friends, deciding who should be on my “Top Friends,” and trying to figure out what my “mood” was. It was the greatest thing created since the “instant message.”

A couple years later “The Facebook” was created. I signed up in the dining room of my sorority house with a bunch of my sorority sisters. We were so excited to check out all of the fraternity guys and see who had joined from our school. We uploaded pictures and tagged each other in them as soon as we got home from an event or night out. We chatted for hours on end about how much of a big deal it was to change your relationship status on the site. If you changed in on Facebook, then it was official! Some of my favorite pictures from college are still on Facebook {some I’m too embarrassed to admit} and I love that I am able to go back and look at them at a moments notice.

Fast forward a couple years later and Twitter was created. I joined at first not realizing what it was. I followed celebrities and never tweeted for myself. Once I moved to New York City I thought it was the perfect way for me to try and meet other moms from my area and get involved. Not long after that I started my blog and now have an amazing community I feel blessed to be a part of.

Social media has shaped my life more than I ever could have imagined. I’ve been dumped because of it {that’s a story for another post!}, fell in love because of it, and have kept in touch with childhood friends that I would have never talked to again without it.

Without it, I’d be lost.

How has social media impacted your life?



You made me laugh when you mentioned how Facebook status for relationships made it all official. That is so true and hilarious!!!


I agree, it is so much fun to find people from school on Social Media


Anything that earns a “The” before it, HAS to be #ALLCAPSAWESOME, right?

(Love The Twitter!)


I also laughed at the line, “If you changed in on Facebook, then it was official! ” 🙂
Social media has been great, but it also has really changed “friendships”. Good and Bad.

Bad – I get FB requests from people I don’t remember, or I maybe spoke to a handful of times in high school, or from people who just want to lurk. Thankfully they introduced lists – so you can be nice and accept, but limit their viewing.

Good – I can connect with a lot of people all at once and connect with people I wouldn’t have known how to find otherwise.


I couldn’t live with out facebook and now twitter and now my blog! LOL


I couldn’t live without social media!!!! I can’t imagine my life without it. It’s changed so much – really for the better :). Great post!


It’s totally changed my life. I can’t imagine no facebook, no twitter, no BLOG? I can’t even remember life before the Internet! 😉


I love the evolution. You have to wonder, what’s next?!


love this post, even if it reminds me how old i am. when i was in college there was no email, no internet, and i can only imagine how fun it would have been if those things had been around. tagging photos from events would have been great, but i guess getting dumped via fb or the like would have been not so great.


Social media has made a huge impact on my life…basically my free time…but who cares! I love hanging out on social media and the relationships that I’ve made.


I love social media! I have met some of the awesomest people I know through social media, you included. Great post!


Dude, I wrote a post about how Facebook has shaped my college years and my life. LOL. If you’re not on FB, you’re a loser… kidding! But really, social media has certainly rocked my world. I remember when I first joined FB, I would cyber-stalk all the guys that I had crushes on (oh wait… I still do that!). Although, I un-tagged a lot of pictures from my [drunken] college days, some of those pics are my fave too. And being able to keep in touch via FB is just priceless. Now twitter… I love it too. And it definitely helps my blog community.

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