I’ve been on a little blog hiatus for almost a week now. MacKay had a little bit of time off last week and I wanted to make sure to spend it as a family. I gave up the computer during that time, and while it was super hard, I needed it. It feels so good to be back though!
What are some of your husbands pet peeves?

Twitter: elenawollborg
I call my husband for no reason at work all the time! Especially when I’m off in the summer. I’m pretty sure he’s close to blocking me. 😉 Hope you enjoyed your unplugged week with your family!
I think I have a tendency to ask a question over and over and over, but in my defense, if I don’t get some sort of response that the question was even heard, I’ll ask again. I think I’m in the right here.
You make me laugh because I was on the opposite end of the phone calls. He called like 8 times a day and drove me NUTS!!!!
Mrs. Weber
I annoy my hubby with calls too. My reasoning is if something important happens, I have to tell him right away to make sure I don’t forget to tell him later. Thankfully text messages have alleviated the need for multiple calls! Maybe try a mix of texts and calls to avoid over-annoyance? 🙂
Twitter: PatchOfBlue724
yes! I do the same thing!!! and I will forget to tell him something if I waited all day.
Twitter: Mommymonologues
It’s just not fun to wait until the end of the day to call!
I’m the same way, I’ll call Todd to tell him something that’s not that big of deal. I try reall hard to keep in mind that’s he’s working. But, I usually call anyways & then let him tell me if he can’t talk.
Loved your vlog! Glad you had a good break!
Twitter: mytimeasmom
I call my husband all day long just because I know if I wait until the end of the day I will forget what I wanted to tell him.
Jenn (Mommie Couture)
Twitter: mommiecouture
This is too funny! I’m guilty of this too… haha
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
Haha… that’s funny. I have several friends who call their spouses for “no” reason throughout the day. We think it’s cute. Their husbands think it’s a pain. LOL.
I miss you, Lauren! Let’s plan a play date or something… Aiden and I will come to your side of the bridge.
Yakini @ThePrissyMommy
lol, so funny! let’s see, what drives my husband crazy….. well, im on the computer a LOT, and although he totally supports the blog thing and is happy when he sees it paying off, i know he would rather i sometimes just put it away (for more than short periods) and give it a break. also, i know when i bug him about certain meals that he enjoys (for health reasons) he gets annoyed too. the expression on his face is like: “woman, why can’t i just enjoy my mac and cheese and ribs in peace?” lmaoo!!! sorry buddy, its my job to nag you because i want to keep you healthy and alive, for me and the boys!!!!
I can’t ever wait to tell anyone anything either. My husband is usually too busy to even answer but I call, and call, and call anyway. We have to talk to someone over the age of 3 during the day, right?
I can totally relate – as it sounds like most women can!
Love your blog, BTW!
Galit Breen
Twitter: galitbreen
Oh my- we can *so* relate to that at our house! I’m not a big phone person, but I do call my husband all. the. time. 🙂
Twitter: LittleMsP
Can so relate. It goes both ways at time between me and the hubby.
Twitter: joneseskeeper
I do that to my mom. And my dad does it to my mom and my hubby does it to me. I understand what you are talking about completely!
Heather @ Life as we know it with Two Twinkies & a Tater Tot
New to your site this week from Vlog Talk & I love it! I use to do the same thing with my hubs as well…I’m one of those “gotta tell you right now” kinds too…mostly because if I don’t I most likely will forget! ha!
Heather @ Life as we know it with Two Twinkies & a Tater Tot
P.S. Just saw you are from Tampa! I grew up in Kissimmee, FL & live in St. Cloud now, but I went to school in Tampa at USF! Small world!
Anne Province
Guilty here too! My husband would get annoyed and snippy so now we just Skype back and forth through the day. He can answer when he wants and I can say what I need to when I need to. Kind of impersoanl though. The kids skype him too. I think by skyping we can feel somewhat connected but I don’t disturb him when he’s on the phone with clients (which is mostly all day long!).
Dana K
Twitter: CrunchyNavyWife
LOL I’m that wife that NEVER calls her husband at work. If I call, it’s an emergency. I hate talking on the phone.
Chris used to call me a lot during the day. I had to nip that in the bud. 😉