I didn’t watch much of the Casey Anthony trial, not because I didn’t want to, it just made me sick to hear the details of the case. I remember three years ago when I lived in Tampa and hearing and watching this story on the news. I didn’t have as much of a connection to it as I do now. I wasn’t a mother then and I hadn’t personally been impacted by a mother’s outrage and hatred for her children .

As I sat speechless listening to the jury read their verdict, I could only hurt for this little girl. The little girl that has been dead now for over three years and received no justice today.

As the verdict was read Casey Anthony stood cheering and giving high fives to her attorney. I understand that she is relieved, but acting like a giddy little school girl as your daughter still lies dead is no way to respond. The little girl that was thrown in a bag with duct tape over her mouth and thrown in a swamp. Casey Anthony reacted to the court’s decision today the same way that she reacted to Caylee missing three years ago; with smiles and laughter.

This child is dead. No one will ever be held accountable for her death.

I truly believe that Casey knows what happened to her daughter three years ago. Whether it was an accident that she tried to cover up, or something deliberate, Casey needs to come clean for the sake of her daughter. The little girl that she brought into this world and that was taken away far too early.

Justice will be served. We may not be able to see it in the courtroom or on the news, but it’s coming. And that, we can be thankful for.



how long before I’d report my kid missing ABOUT 30 SECONDS thats how I know she did it!


I said the same thing to MacKay last night. She just sickens me.


We watched the verdict in our staff lounge at work a few minutes ago. I literally felt sick to my stomach. It’s an outrage. As you stated, whether she’s guilty or not, whether she knows something or not… her daughter is still gone. How can you rejoice and be so carefree and nonchalent in knowing this. I am so saddened by this, but I agree with you that, someway/somehow, justice will eventually be served.


That is the only thing that makes me feel better about this whole thing.


It’s such a sad story. The law is designed to protect the innocent and because of that, sometimes the guilty go free. I personally prefer it that way, although in this case it seems so unfair based on what we as the public know about the case. The defense did a brilliant job claiming sexual abuse and the prosecution left too many open questions. The jurors each stood up and confirmed their verdicts. They must have their reasons (and I’m sure we’ll be privy to them shortly). Regardless, Casey Anthony’s reactions, to pretty much everything, indicate that she is a very disturbed woman. I feel sorry for everyone involved.


She is deeply deserved. And if she does go free soon {as I am sure she will,} I hope she gets the help she needs.


That should say “disturbed” not “deserved” 😉


It’s all so sad. I don’t know if we’ll ever know what happened…
Praying for the families.


I don’t think we ever will, and that’s what makes it so upsetting.


I hope it comes swiftly…


Lauren, you pretty much summed it up — whether she is convicted or not, her daughter is still DEAD, GONE, NEVER COMING BACK. To just sit there, happily, that’s just… INSANE! A mother, a MOTHER… I’m baffled.


That clearly shows that she needs help.


I didn’t watch one second of that trial, but now I wish I had because I’d like to know what happened to lead the jury to that decision.


Couldn’t agree with you more Lauren. I as well was sickened that this mom is going to just walk out free! There is no justice for Caley. That’s heart breaking. There whole family is destroyed and she did that. Whats also makes me sick is the book deals and movies that she will do and make a whole lot of money. Disgusting… I can’t write what I really want to say. But you said it she won’t be able to go anywhere . She will pay in her own way.


This case is sad because in the end, Caylee Anthony is still dead. No matter if her sociopath mother was toasting with champagne or what, she will have to live the rest of her life knowing what she did to that little girl or what she didn’t do for her.


The sad thing is, I don’t think she cares. I honestly think she is only out for herself. She made that apparent in the nights she went partying days after Caylee went “missing.” I’m afraid she will take this attention and use it to her advantage.


Much of what you have said is exactly what I have thought every time I see her. I have lost a child and I can tell you that there are many days that I would much rather not even get out of bed. I think of how hard it is to smile sometimes and look at her actually celebrating and I can’t fathom it. Sick.


Lauren, you said this with such grace and class. I found out about the verdict while I was enjoying the day with my family and I was so floored, I said some really classless and graceless things. Whether Casey spends the rest of her life behind or not, what I find most unfortunate about this situation is that this sweet little girl is gone. I believe in justice. I believe in karma. And, I have to believe, even if days like today make it very hard, that both are served, even if not swiftly.


Totally agree with you. Can’t believe she will not be held accountable. OJ all over again!


She still has the Man Upstairs to contend with. He knows what she did and/or what she DIDN’T do, and He won’t let her off so lightly.
And I hear she’s pregnant again? I really hope someone else raises that child.


trying not to cry reading this post. i feel the same way and i feel it even more so now that I am a mother. just will be served indeed.


I didn’t watch any of the trial or the verdict because I know I wouldn’t have been able to take it. It’s so sad, I can’t believe she was acting that way in the courtroom.

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