I was speaking with my dad yesterday afternoon as we were on our way to pick up my prescriptions. I told him that even with kidney stones and morning sickness, my pregnancy with Harlan seemed like a breeze compared to this one.I don’t think I have ever been this sick I have ever been this sick in my entire life.
The wonderful news is that after taking my medications last night I feel like an entirely new pregnant woman today. I woke up only feeling my regular nausea associated with morning sickness, but the horrible pain in my stomach and esophagus have subsided and I was actually able to keep down my dinner last night. I even managed to keep down a little piece of carrot cake {risky, I know, but I was really craving it.}
While I don’t necessarily like relying on medication while I am pregnant, there are times when it is completely necessary. My number one concern right now is the well being on myself and the baby I am carrying. If I hadn’t had any medicine, I can guarantee you I would be in a hospital bed right now hooked up to lots of wires and machines. There was just no way around not taking anything.
The baby has been a champ through all of this and she’s been moving like crazy. I can only hope that she hasn’t been as affected as I have for the past week.
I want to thank everyone for the kind messages, texts, tweets, etc. It really means a lot that you are thinking about me! Now let’s pray for an easy, drama/sick free rest of the pregnancy!
Twitter: BLANQIgirls
So glad that you’re feeling better! It’s hard enough to be pregnant, running around after another little one, and I can’t even imagine how it must be to feel as badly as you have 🙁 We are keeping our fingers crossed over here at BLANQI, and wish you an amazing remainder of the pregnancy! xo Sabina and Valerie
so glad you’re feeling better! Hope it stays that way. 🙂
cam recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Paris Edition
Twitter: meuninterrupted
I’m so glad the medicine is helping and I hope you and your doctor can get things figured out! I’ll be thinking about you!
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Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
Yes, we are PRAYING for smooth sailing from here on. It’s got to be rough, especially since you have Harlan to care for. I am so glad that you have help, though. xoxo
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