Earlier this week while I was having a great time attending the War Horse movie premiere and getting a behind the scenes tour of Mary Poppins on Broadway, Harlan went to work with MacKay and stayed in their daycare facility they have in his building.

Harlan loves going to “make some money” with daddy and it is truly a treat when she gets to spend all day in their daycare because she loves it. It’s a great program for me, who’s schedule is constantly changing, and never routine.

At the end of the day the staff at the center gives MacKay a progress sheet on how well Harlan did that day. It tell us when she eats, went to the bathroom, slept, etc. and also a few of the extra special highlights from the day.

Usually when Harlan goes, we get notes back saying she made a new friend or really liked playing with the fish and the sandbox. On Monday we got a note that that I am afraid will only be the first of many in the next coming years.

At the bottom of the paper, it said the usual things; she made new friends and really wanted to go with the three year-olds. The last sentence of the note read “She really likes to talk a lot.”

This is a statement that I know is very true, but also one that I have been dreading to hear from her “teachers.”

Anyone that comes into contact with Har knows that she is a talker. She will talk to you about just about anything, maybe even sing you a song. I think I’ve gotten so used to it that there are times where it is so easily for me to tune it out. But anyone that ever watches her while I am away always makes a comment on how much she talks.

I know that all of her talking is great for her language development. She started talking a a young age and it has only flourished since then. I am actually surprised that at barely two years old, I can have a full on conversation with her.

I’m just afraid my little chatter box is only going to get chattier as she gets older and I pray that it doesn’t interfere when she starts going to school.

Something that is cute and endearing now, may end up biting me in the butt later on! 😉

Did you have a talker? Did it only escalate as they got older?



I was a talker. I remember being put into the Clown Corner in first grade because I was talking with my deskmate. But other than that I don’t think it negatively impacted me. Strangely, I actually turned out pretty introverted and shy. But that might be due to the Stranger Danger my mom pushed on me because I would talk to anyone. So, I guess you could make the argument either way. 🙂
Jen recently posted..Some Words


As a child teachers would say the same thing about me. Hey, I turned out great!

I did, right?


I think that’s great and incredibly adorable (for you, HA!). I’d worry more if she was an introvert. She’ll likely tone it down as she matures and starts reading others. I can’t wait to hear what’s on the Bubba Beast’s mind!


i love a talk-y toddler! my dd who is 8 now was super-chatty – and still is – but tones it down at school so don’t worry!
anna ~ random handprints recently posted..HOLIDAY CLOTHES: The Third Edition of Anna’s SuperFun Non-Commercial Holiday Gift Guide


My children talk constantly. I love it (most of the time) and hope they never stop. It’s a problem at school but the sound quiets my mind
Beth Dunn recently posted..Christmas Decorating


Haha! This is classic! Aiden talks and talks… and talks once he warms up to people. He and Har would have the funniest conversations ever!
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