When I was little I had two imaginary friends, Pookie and Gogo. I don’t remember if they were animals, people, or creatures that I made up, but what I do remember is that they made my time alone much more enjoyable and fun. I’m not quite sure at what age my “friends” joined me, but they were in my life long enough to make an impression and have me remember them as an adult (my parents still tease me about it too.)
Harlan hasn’t made up any imaginary friends, yet, but she’s definitely reached the age that her little imagination is soaring. Now that she if a full blown talker and can have meaningful conversations with people, she’s taking full advantage of it.
Her favorite new activity is playing pretend and role playing with real friends and imaginary ones {not ones she’s made up, but some of her favorite Nick Jr. characters or Disney Princesses.} When we were at my parents house over the holidays a popular activity was Harlan playing waitress while taking all of our orders. She would get a pen and paper and come up and ask us what we would like. I’ve never played this game with her and don’t know if she just picked it up from us dining out, but it was one of the most fun games we’ve played together.
Another one of her favorites is playing grocery store. She gets her pen and paper, makes a list and then tells us that she’s leaving while reciting her list. Again, not a game we’ve played before but something she just came up with.

As if those games aren’t entertaining enough, she now loves to put on shows for us with her imaginary Yo Gabba Gabba characters. She will take “center stage” and grab everyone’s attention by shouting “ladies and gentlemen” then shouting “here’s Muno….” she then exits while we are supposed to “watch” Muno and she sings “I Like to dance, go Muno, go Muno,” from the side. It is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen {one that I will video very very soon.}
By far, this is probably one of my favorite stages I’ve experienced so far with Harlan. She’s becoming such a little person and so much fun to be around {not that she wasn’t before.} Our time together has simply gone from her playing only with toys that interest her to creating a world of her own that she wants to share with us. It’s simply amazing.
Now my only question is, with her imagination soaring, what do I do with all of the, now seemingly useless, toys she just received for Christmas? 😉
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
That sounds so cute and funny! Isn’t it so lovely when they grow into real people?! “Go Muno, go Muno…” LOVE IT!
Alicia @MommyDelicious recently posted..You Can Achieve Your Goals. All Of Them.
It is! Makes me love interacting with them even more!
Serena @MamaGoesNatural
Twitter: MamaGoesNatural
Love it! It is really incredible. M does this too. She loves to play work or grocery store and put on shows all dressed up with her ‘friends’ Meeta and Moolu. Good question about the toys cause there are nothing compared to their vibrant minds.
Serena @MamaGoesNatural recently posted..What a Difference a Year Makes
So true! Did she make up Meeta and Moolu? Love that!
Twitter: DearMommyBrain
So much fun! Allison is the same way. She talks to Dora and Diego all. the. time. And puts on dance recitals. Cracks me up. Too bad I can never get it on video because she stops as soon as I pull out my phone. Sigh.
Jen recently posted..Food Waste Friday
I guess it’s a girl thing! 🙂
Candace (NYStateofMom)
Twitter: NYStateofMom
SO sweet! I love this stage too, their such little people! lol Chunks comes in with his Fisher Price tool belt and starts banging away and says “I fix it Mommy” lol they crack me up
Candace (NYStateofMom) recently posted..Unofficial Resolutions
That is SO cute!
Cam | Bibs & Baubles
How adorable. Their little imaginations are fascinating!!!
Cam | Bibs & Baubles recently posted..Beyonce’s Blue Saturday
They really are!
wendy @ mama one to three
Twitter: mamaonetothree
they seriously become more and more fun with things like this– it’s pretty amazing!
wendy @ mama one to three recently posted..The History of Sleep
It is! I love this stage!