With our future most likely looking to the suburbs within the next year, there is one thing that I couldn’t be more excited about; my own laundry room. Yes, I am looking forward to doing my laundry in the comfort of my own home.

I used to loathe doing laundry when we were living in Florida, but had I known that my quaint little laundry room was going to be taken away from me and replaced by a huge room in our building’s basement with old washers and dryers that hardly ever work correctly, I would have joyfully done laundry every single day.

There are some days when I just sit and laugh about myself for getting absolutely giddy over laundry and a washer and dryer. Isn’t it funny where life takes you when you are an adult? The thought of getting a new home appliance actually excites you rather than bores you. Please tell me I’m not alone in this.

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting with the lovely people from Whirlpool for a look at their newest accomplishments in the laundry world. While I absolutely fell in love with their new washer and dryer, I was also impressed that Whirlpool is making the leap in to the world of apps. I was probably most thrilled about this because it’s an app I can use now with my sad laundry life rather than when we move and I have my own machines.

Whirlpool has created the WashSquad Laundry App that will change the way your family does laundry. It gets your family involved on the household chore. You can now assign jobs to members in your family. Want dad to wash the whites? Just assign the task and it will be sent to dad’s smartphone. Want the kids to start the dryer? You can assign them the task and they will get the notification that it needs to get finished. There is even a guide that will show them how to complete the assignment. Best of all the tasks help each family member earn points so that you can have a friendly family competition doing laundry. We are suckers for a good competition in our household, so this can make a seemingly mundane task fun because there is a little competition behind it.


The app is also loaded with amazing information about how to get the most use out of all of your clothes.

Have you ever looked at all of those crazy symbols on your blouse and wonder what the heck they mean? Me too. The app has a label decoder that will tell you exactly what your tag means and how you should wash the garment.



It also tells you how to get those pesky stains out of your clothes. With kids (or a husband that is just as bad as the kids,) this was a huge winner for me and something I find myself going to on nearly a daily basis.



I may have a different outlook on laundry because I don’t do it the way that most suburbia does it (how I miss those days,) but laundry really can be fun. You know the saying, “You don’t know what you have until its gone?” That’s just how I feel about my washer and dryer. Savor it and enjoy it. And download the Whirlpool WashSquad Laundry app to make laundry even more fun.


{Disclosure: I am a paid Whirlpool Ambassador. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I really do envy all of you suburban laundry doers} 



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