Macks turned one month old on Monday. As quickly as this month has gone by, it’s hard to remember life without him. He has been such a joy in our lives and we are enjoying every single second with him.

I saw these fun birth announcements on Pinterest and decided to create our own. I love finding new ways to document the first year and I wanted to do the same with each month as I did with the birth announcement. 
one month finished

This boy is big! He is in the 75th-95th percentile for both weight and height. The girls have never been above the 25th percentile, so this is crazy to me. I just hope it stays that way.

Macks is still sleeping most of the day, but does love to look at everything around him when he is awake. He loves his swing and sleeps the best in it (like most of my kids have.) At night we have him sleeping with us so that I can get some rest and nurse while laying down. I never thought that I’d do that, but with three kids, I have to be able to get my sleep somehow.

In the past month I have only been peed on once, and am becoming a pro at changing his diaper as quickly as I can to avoid it happening again.

Being the mom of this baby boy has proved to be the best. I love him dearly.


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