There are many qualities and traits that my parents have passed onto me that I am very proud of. I credit my love for math and all things numbers (I know, it’s weird) to my dad. My mom has passed on her amazing cooking skills to me throughout the years. I am also very thankful for her for giving me for skin tone that tans so easily! π
Although I credit them for the great qualities, there are a few flaws passed on that I blame them for as well. My husband loves to point out certain things I do that I hardly ever notice. He calls them “Nichols things.” {Nichols is my maiden name} It’s a running joke around our house that many of my “quirks” seem to run in my family.
There is one flaw in particular that always gets a laugh in our family. No matter how hard I try, I can’t wink. My sister can’t do it either. Our faces look so horribly wrong when doing it, that other family members will ask us to do it just to get a laugh.
I just want to give you a pretty picture of my sister and I before we both embarrass ourselves with our crazy ugly winking faces.
Please remember, we try not to make this face in public {or ever for that matter.} You can see why.
Pretty awful, right? We’ve tried and tried and tried but nothing ever seems to come from our winking practice. You can only imagine how bad it was growing up when I was trying to lie to my parents while winking to my sister to let her in on it. It was a total give away as soon as I tried.
I also can’t make a three with any of my hands, but that’s another picture for another day!
Do you have any flaws that you blame on genetics?

Oh my gosh – so, so, funny! But, I’m laughing WITH you, not AT you, right?!
Oh my god! So funny. (All of a sudden I’m finding winking difficult now. Maybe it’s contagious. Through the internet.) π
Tracy recently posted..Mother Knows Best
Tori Nelson
You are not alone! I have the weird wink face, too! My friends will make a point to wink at me… hoping that I might entertain them with my horrendous wink face in response π
Great post!
Stopping by from Mama Kat’s,
blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell
I say you’re winking, but you’re doing it so badly! LOL
blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell recently posted..Strawberry Shortcake Biscuits
Minivan Mama
I just had to go to my mirror and see what I looked like while winking! Phew…I’m ok! ; )
Minivan Mama recently posted..World Takeover
Twitter: amyplus1x3
Ha! You are winking, its just not that sexy wink that most women hope to master π
Amy recently posted..The about right rule
It’s like your winking muscles are tied to your “snarky smile” muscles! π
liz recently posted..A Proud Mommy Moment
well at least you are beautiful in your before photos! being photogenic is a gift right?
Girl.. you are a trip. ROFL!! Love that face.. too cute!! And your sis is awesome for letting you include her.
Thanks for coming by and leaving such great comments!!
Mikki recently posted..Day 2 Photo Funβ My Favorite Shoes
lmao! too funny. You two look so much a like…just with different hair color! I don’t look anything like my sister.
betsy recently posted..Real Life Cool Kids- Bug
Roo {NiceGirlNotes}
I triple dog dare you to make this your Facebook profile picture. π
Roo {NiceGirlNotes} recently posted..Idioms and Sleep-Away Camp
Twitter: elenawollborg
This is going to sound ridiculous…but winking is hard! I can’t do it either. π I also have never been able to whistle. It’s a tough life I lead. π
Elena recently posted..Mommy Knows Best
Chris King
Very entertaining flaw! Just stopped by from Mama Kat to say hi!
cam @Bibs
i can’t whistle and my wink is a little wonky and i can’t do a cartwheel! can i blame my genes?
cam @Bibs recently posted..Writerβs Workshop- Six Word Memoir
Bicultural Mama
Your pictures are too funny! Thanks for sharing.
Bicultural Mama recently posted..Letting Go of Asian Constraints to Follow the Dream to Write
Oh, you are too cute! I can wink, but I can’t whistle.
Twitter: glamamom
I wouldn’t sweat it. You too got pretty good genes otherwise π
Twitter: corp2domestic
That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing. I blame my parents for being left handed which makes it difficult to spread jam on toast or peanut butter on a sandwich. It also means I can’t cut worth a crap with scissors. Just found your blog from Shell’s post this morning…looking forward to reading more and following now π
Natalie recently posted..On a Serious Note
Twitter: nycpatty
You are winking! π Loved this story.
Patty recently posted..Weighing In
LOL.. that’s so funny…
I look pretty funny trying to wink to actually.. never realized that before.. until now.. thanks π
Alex recently posted..The Joys of Motherhood
Twitter: PBinmyHair
Ha! I can only blink with my right eye, if I try to do it with my left, I look just like that!
Melissa recently posted..A Perfect Evening
Sarah at The Stroller Ballet
Hehe! We all have our little things, I guess. You and your sister are both so beautiful!
Twitter: morgalicious483
How cute π haha. Now following from Mama Kats. Follow me back if you’d like –
I can wink just fine, thank you. Must have got it from your mom.
Yakini @ThePrissyMommy
Hehehe, too funny! You and your sister are just so darn pretty – I love it!!! I adore sisters. (Of course, I’m biased, cuz I’ve got 3 of them).
I can’t whistle to save my life. Not a family trait, since Im the only one – but it certainly makes me a bit of an oddball! LOL!!!
Jennifer G.
Twitter: take2mommy
Hilarious! Love the pictures!
When I see you at some NYC blogger event some day, I might ask you to wink, just to laugh again π
Jennifer G. recently posted..What Haunts Me
Alicia @MommyDelicious
Twitter: MommyDelicious
Hahaha…. this is SO hilarious! I’m not a good winker either, but didn’t grow up with my birth mom so I’m not sure if it runs in my family or not. You guys looks SO SO pretty in that “before” shot, though.
BTW… I refreshed this page about 5 times before I realized that perhaps the title font is different b/c you changed it. LOL.
Alicia @MommyDelicious recently posted..How To Keep Your Sanity As A Mom
Alison@Mama Wants This
Twitter: MamaWantsThis
Hahaha! You girls are a riot! And pretty cute too.
Alison@Mama Wants This recently posted..Writers Workshop- Six Word Memoir
Ok.. so I have to ask. You said you miss driving??? Is is because you live in the city??
I sometimes wish I had more mass transportation around here so I didn’t have to drive..LOL
Mikki recently posted..And The Versatile Blogger Award Goes toβ¦
Twitter: noshoppingliz
HA! Too funny.
You know what else is a Nichols thing? Loveliness! You and your sister are gorg!
elizabeth-flourishinprogress recently posted..Im Kind of a Big Deal
too funny. i cant wait to see if harlan is a winker or not π
anna recently posted..The End of an Era- a Slumber Party- a Sleepover and a Big Boy Bed
Twitter: dimsumdebutante
Cracking up! You can take some lessons from The Nut. She perfected the wink around 15 months
Twitter: Mommymonologues
You & your sister are gorgeous! My little sister is blonde & I was always soooo jealous of her hair when I was little! π
This is hilarious! The pictures were cracking me up!
Ha. I look awful while winking too.
And while crying. I am the WORST crier.
Amber recently posted..New York City Part 3