
Last night Avery woke up from a bad dream before I had actually gone to bed. She was crying and screaming calling my name so I went into her room and grabbed her out to lay with me out on the couch. As she nestled up against my belly, I just kept staring at her. She was so calm and sweet that I could have stared for hours.

As we were cuddling, MacKay walked into the apartment from taking the dogs out. He looked at Avery and said, “wow, she looks so much like a kid.” And it was true. Here she was, my little girl, my baby, laying on me taking up nearly half of my body. The child that I could hold in two arms what felt like just months ago, now had limbs hanging off of me as she tried to tried to find the perfect position to get comfortable on top of me.


This past month Harlan has been invited on a lot of playdates. By herself. I simply drop her off at a friends house for a couple of hours and then Avery and I head home until it’s time to pick her up. It’s so strange just leaving her at her friends without me having to supervise her. As I leave she always tells me bye and gives me a huge hug with a big smile on her face. She has no worries about me leaving. In fact, I think she’s actually excited about having time by herself with her friends. Yes, she would rather play with her friends than play with her mama.

How can this be? It sounds so cliche, but time is literally flashing before my eyes.

Today marks my 28th week of pregnancy. I have officially entered the third trimester. Everyday I get dressed and look down at my belly and wonder how it’s gotten so big already. I swear I was just laying in bed telling myself how I need to savor the moments I could still sleep on my belly until it was too late. Well it’s been too late for a while now.

Everywhere I look things are getting bigger. Things are changing. Our family is growing. And I haven’t stopped to relish in it.  As quickly as time passes us by, it’s so easy for us to let it go as if it’s nothing. But it is. In that time, there are moments that we will never be able to experience again.

Growing will happen no matter what. Why don’t we take the time to stop and watch it happen rather than letting it pass us by?


Image via Lindsey Belle Photography



This is such a beautiful post – its so important to stop & reflect <3


It seems like kids grow in the blink of an eye. It’s oh so important to pause often and take all the changes and growth in. Otherwise, you’ll look back and not know what happened.

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