I didn’t discover the magic of baby wearing until I had Avery. I didn’t try it much with Harlan and couldn’t ever find an excuse to do it because I thought our stroller worked fine. That was until I realized that two kids are much harder to tow around the city than one is.
Avery took to the carrier from the very beginning. It was the only way that I could get through the witching hour. I would walk around out apartment while getting things ready for dinner and Avery would sit comfortably in our Ergobaby carrier. It was soothing for both her and I and it also allowed me to still get things done around the apartment.
Now that she’s older, our Ergobaby carrier comes in handy for the many times we use public transportation. Let’s face it, lugging a double stroller up and down stairs of the subway is not exactly easy. It’s so nice to be able to put Avery in the carrier and hold Harlan’s hand, while still having a hand free to carry all of our stuff.
It’s also an essential when traveling. I never leave for the airport without the carrier. It makes getting on and off the plane super easy with two kids and especially if you are traveling by yourself (which I often do with the girls.)
It’s obvious that our Ergobaby carrier is essential for both the baby and toddler stage. I am so excited that there is even more to come from Ergobaby. A couple of weeks ago when I attended the ABC Kids Expo, the largest trade show for the baby and juvenile products industry, I had a chance to get a sneak peek at all of the products (yes, there is more than one!) that Ergobaby is launching next year.
With this new little guy on the way, I couldn’t be more excited for the new Ergobaby 4 Position 360 Baby Carrier. I have always loved that the Ergobaby carriers allow me to carry Avery in the front, hip, and on my back, but I’ve really always wanted to be able to carry her facing outward. Many carriers on the market that have baby facing outward don’t have the ideal hip positioning for your growing baby. The Ergobaby 4 Position 360 Carrier allows you to safely and comfortably carry baby on hip, baby, and both forward facing and facing towards you.
What sets this carrier apart from the crowds is that the Ergobaby 4 Position 360 Carrier’s design features a structured bucket seat to support baby in an ergonomic seated position and maintain ideal hip and spine positioning.
I had the chance to try this carrier out at the show and even with my baby bump, I could comfortably carry a baby forward facing.
The Ergobaby 4 Position 360 Carrier will come in two colors: Black and Grey and will be available spring of 2014.
I am also super excited about the new Ergobaby Wrap. I used a wrap for Avery for the first few months after she was born. It was so comfortable to have her so close to me and give her that skin to skin contact when she needed it while still giving me the ability to get things done. The Ergobaby Wrap features an innovative 4D StretchTM material that flexes in four directions to provide the perfect fit for parent and baby. This material is super soft and very comfortable for both mom and baby. I tried it on at the show and it didn’t stretch out once I had it on. Once it was tied around my waist, it stayed there without me having to keep re-adjusting it, like I’ve done with other wraps.
The Ergobaby Wrap is available in three colors: Eucalyptus, Clay or Pepper and will be released in early 2014.
All new products will be available on the Ergobaby website! And stay tuned because I will have reviews on both products when our little man makes his appearance early next year.
Good news! In celebration of my love for Ergobaby and the launch of their new products, you have a chance to win an Ergobaby Original Carrier! One lucky AMITC reader will win an Ergobaby Original Baby Carrier in Night Sky.
Enter by filling out the form below!
{Disclosure: Ergobaby sponsored my hotel and accommodations to attend the ABC Kids Expo. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that help me help my family!}
We love ergo baby!
Melissa Duggan
I love that my otherwise very busy baby settles in for a nice long snuggle while I wear her. It’s blissful 🙂
sherry blamer
I love being able to hold my baby close to me without my arms getting tired from holding them.
ashlie elari
I haven’t used one yet but baby due in 9weeks and I would love the closeness and free hands to still get stuff done 🙂
Jessica Fletcher
I don’t baby wear, but really want to start and try it out!!!
Amanda Gaston
You’ll love it and never look back 🙂 miss
Ashley Stahle
It’s so convenient!
Danielle Clifford
I love the closeness of baby wearing! 🙂
I love having my baby so close while still being able to get baby stuff done with my hands free.
Ana Ohlandt
I love how easy and natural it feels. Toss a baby on your back and they are calm and collected for you to browse through the store or get shopping done.
Sara D
I love having my baby close!
I love that it allows you to be hands-free and still have that skin to skin connection with your little one. There’s no better way to know he’s ok than to have him right there!
Cassandra Eastman
I love being able to hold my daughter and spend time with her while also getting things done around the house or grocery shopping!
I wish I had an Ergo with my first baby! I would love to have one for my second.
Kaci C.
Having my hands free!!!
We really love the regular ergo my son is 15 months and I wear him all the time! Love the closeness.!!! We’re expecting a new little one in a couple of months and I would love the baby carrier too!!! It’s sooo cute!
Sasha Ruth
Most versitile carrier on the market. I have been they 3 carriers and the ergo is by far the best.
I’ve heard great things about Ergo carriers but haven’t tried one yet.
Leslie Gneiting
I love how much easier it makes getting things done. Especially shopping. I don’t have to worry about my son constantly trying to get out of the shopping cart, plus he can nap in it. I can’t wait for baby #2 to get here I a couple of months!
Elizabeth Godschalx Wisniewski
I love not having to use the stroller. It makes hiking so much easier.
Michelle B
I never baby wore with my first, and just borrowed a friends ergo to try with my second while out for a weekend. I loved it, I’m not sure why I never tried before!
Monica Powell
The Close Bond you develop with your baby.
Kylie Clson
The only carrier I’ve had experience with is the Moby Wrap, and after about 3 months I packed it away. It just didn’t work for me past that mark. I’d love to win this Ergo! My husband doesn’t see the reason to spend so much on a carrier, but in my eyes this is SO necessary! I tried a mommy friend’s Ergo and I melted into a love puddle. If only I could have my own!
Desiree O.
Would love to baby wear when baby arrives in 2 months!
Melissa Decroteau
Having my baby close to me!
Lisa Armstrong
I love baby wearing and would LOVE to win this beautiful ergo!
alex fisher
I love being able to calm my children while still being able to get things done.
Shareese M.
I really want this for when my lil bundle comes in next year! So excited about this baby wearing experience everyone has been talking about. Nevermind the convenience of being hand-free, but that deeper bon you build with your baby is what I’m really looking forward to.
* Sorry about the suer cheesy-ness, just SUPER excited to be a mommy!
I love being able to have my baby close to me. I also love the hands free aspect; I can get things done!
Sarah Stroh Thornton
What I love most about babywearing, I get to spend quality time with my son while seeing the great outdoors–without worring he will fall off the path.
Jennifer Michelle Ora Kreisler
I love the constant hug and close to kiss baby head.
Rachel M
Being close to my baby.
I love keeping my shmuffin close to me and keep her warm!
Laila Salem
I l ove that it helps my baby sleep.
Love this design
I love ergobaby !! I adore having my son with me all the time he’s 6 months old 🙂
Hannah E Mikulak
Love it!!
Love being label to hold baby and still get things done around the house
i love that you can “hold” your baby and still go to the bathroom
Hannah E Mikulak
I love having my Avery close. And it helps out a lot especially with 3 kids. 🙂
Leslie M.
I do not yet own one, but my sister let me try hers out to see if I would like it and I absolutely fell in love the minute I put it on. I honestly did not think I would like it as much as I do ha ha! I put my little baby in and she fell asleep literally in seconds and It felt so amazing being able to have my hands free for the first time and still be able to comfort my little baby. I had it on for about 30 minutes with little one sleeping and after a while my sister looked at me and said “you know I have to take that back right?” So now I have to have one for sure!!
Claire A
I love that I can take the baby out and he still gets his nap, which would never happen if I had him in a stroller. I don’t feel so trapped at home this way, because babies sure do sleep a lot!
Andreana Powell
I love having my son so close to my heart 🙂
I would love to ditch my bjorn! This looks great!
I want to one one of these something fierce
Elida Uribe
Love it
Sara W.
I love keeping my kiddos snuggled close but still having my hands free. Baby wearing is the best!
My daughter had reflux as an infant and having her in our carrier allowed me to keep her upright after eating.
Megan M
I love the feeling of bonding with my baby, and being able to do things (chores, work, cooking, etc.) while also meeting her needs is great too! (Wearing her on my front now as we type!)
Baby #2 arriving in 6 weeks! Would love this!!!
Expecting our first and I can’t wait to use the ergobaby!
Lindsay Watt
I love knowing shes not getting into things she shouldn’t but I can do what I need.
Keeping my baby girl close to me, while still getting things done!
Sherry Russell
Great for when we go walking.
I lie the closeness I feel with LO and I can get some chores done while spending time together.
We love Ergo! The wrap looks amazing too!
Being able to keep my hands free and the baby comfy — did two years at Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party babywearing for 5 hours in the Ergo with no back or shoulder pain (after carrying a 14-month old even)!
I love that it makes going out with my twins solo so much easier
Alexandra Pitcher
Getting to cuddle with my not so cuddly little boy!!
Baby wearing is amazing, for both Mom and Baby. Love Ergo baby!
Love ergo baby
Elayna Spruill
I love that your hands are free so you can catch up on chores!
lana cawrse
Baby number 2 on they way and an ergobaby is on the top of my list of must haves!
christy s
We have a wrap, which works well but i always end up stepping on the ends while im putting it on put in public.
kim scott
I love the closeness of baby wearing!
Lauren Maultasch
I love snuggling with baby and being in a carrier gives me the opportunity to do this even more! Plus bonus: baby is calmer.
Erin W
I love being close to my DD no matter where we are.
Shanee C
I love the ability to still be so close but be able to get things done still!
Sasha f
Having my hands free while I still have my LO close!
Jamie santos
I don’t own an ergo yet but I love that you are hands free and able to chase after your toddler!!!
I love ergo I have a zebra print carrier that I got from mommy con la and I can’t wait to use it
We LOVE ergo baby! Used the galaxy grey carrier all the time with my second. So much so it’s worn out! We will need to get another one for baby #3!
I love having my baby close! And they both love it too!
Very exciting news! I’m due in January and I have been eying yhe ergobaby forever! I’d love to win! ♡
I love the closeness and giving my babies so many kisses!
The best part about babywearing is being able to nuzzle baby’s head and inhale that intoxcating baby smell!
Jennifer K. C.
Twitter: jennifercrewell
I love that with baby wearing you can be close to one of your babies and chase the other one around… now THAT is multitasking!
Tamsyn Colstad
I love wearing my babies. Makes me feel close to them and I know it makes them feel more comfortable. I LOVE ergo. I bought one off ebay and later found out it was a fake so I am out the money and no money to buy a new one. My little one is getting a little big for his Moby Wrap. I so need this.
This is way high on my wish list! I have been entering every contest I can to win one because button one is not in the budget! These carriers are sooooo nice! And this is my fav pattern! 🙂
keeping baby close to my heart
Elizabeth keller
I love being able to do things while still having my little close!
Anna Anderson
I love that I have my hands free to do what I need to do but I still get to snuggle my baby 🙂
the bonding i get with my baby!
Tracy S
Being close to my baby and being hands free!
I had an Ergo on my list of things to buy for baby #2 until I saw a mom on the playground with the Beco, same awesome design as the Ergo with the big padded shoulders and lumbar support around the waist but the baby can face out! And you don’t need a newborn insert like the Ergo, I was sold!
Leah B
I love wearing baby close because she’s calmest when she’s near my skin.
I love that baby feels like she is being held, and i can still get things done. I also love it for grocery shopping when they aren’t ready for sitting in the cart (or too tired) that way the carseat doesn’t take up the whole basket!
I love having free hands to play with my toddler
Sarah Mason
I love being able to run after my three year old while my one year old is safe in the carrier!
Leigh A
Helps them fall asleep!
Kara Kieran
I am awaiting my first baby but i am sure the Ergo will come in super handy! Excited to try it out!
I love knowing that my little one is safe and secure. I love that I can still use my hands to do other things and that I’m not tied to one spot. I love the freedom and the closeness.
This is so Exciting! My little one just keeps getting bigger and its so nice to know that I can still wear her and keep my hands free!
Shirisha Prodduturi
I can do my chores with my hands and cuddle her at the same time.
I love the convenience and the ability to be snuggling all the time!
What I love about babywearing is that I get to have my daughter close to me. I also love that she us so content and happy to be worn. She can go from screaming in her car seat to happy or sleeping when I’m wearing her. We both really love it.
I love that babywearing keeps my little person so close but my hands are still free.
sharon b
the closeness it brings!
Margo Davis
I still haven’t found a baby carrier that I liked and was comfortable. I would love to try the ergo!
I have yet to find a carrier I love and my son is 5 months old! Would love to try the ergo!!
soumiya k
1- hands free! and 2- not having to negotiate a stroller in the subway would be amazing!
Kristina A.
I love Ergobaby carriers!!
Would so love to win an Ergo. They really are expensive.
Erica hager
Twitter: bisonbooties
We love ergo!
Jessica H.
I love everything about baby wearing! Hands free, can keep up with older children easily without lugging around a big stroller (a HUGE plus for school events), keeping her close and snuggled, easy/discrete nursing, keeps her head nice and round (had to get flat spots when they’re not laying on anything hard and flat)! Could go on and on!
Candy Stephenson-Otoya
I would love this for my DD and the fact we can be together while I do the house work.
I love having my baby so close. I also love when they are big enough to have them on my back so they can see the world.
Christina Zurowski
I love everything about wearing my baby! It’s nice to be hands free and give my arms a rest, but more so…I love holding my baby so close! I realized how much I’d miss being pregnant, but this is the best of both worlds!
Tiffany Bolton
We are expecting our first baby in March and I can’t wait to babywear. I love having my kissable nieces and nephews so close, so I am sure I am going to love wearing my own.
Cute faces that are convenient to kiss!
Never owned a baby carrier before but I am looking toward to having the use of both hands!
Being so close to my daughter 🙂
sophieandmomma at gmail dot com
Britany Harper
I haven’t used the ergobaby yet but I really really want one. I have a moby and I love how it helps free my hands to take care of my eldest child.
Brendon Brown
I love that this will allow my wife to snuggle up with my little one.
I love kissing the top of my baby’s head.
Kasey U.
I love babywearing! Having baby close and being able to have the use of both hands is a must! Especially when you have other children! I love feeling them snuggle and sleep.
Angela Beasley
I love that I can keep my baby happy and out of mischief and still do things that require 2 hands
Kelly k
Having baby happy where they want & need to be, while being able to gives other kids what they need as well!
Aubrie Hewitt
My husband and I just had our first! 32 hours ago! I would love one of these carriers.
Jessica B
The snuggles!
Jeannette Green
I love that I can keep baby close while chasing my 2 year old around
Jenn McClearn
I love that it keeps baby calm and I can get things done
Michelle Oggeri
I love being snuggled up with my little one at all times. Baby carrying allow you to experience the closeness, and warmth of you baby if the are awake or asleep without arms getting tired. There is some sweet about having baby so close to your heart.
Sara K.
I love having the baby close, but being able to do things with my hands.
Dorothy Spackman
Cuddles while you work.
I love keeping my daughter close
I’m expecting my first in a week and my sister swears by Ergobaby
I am having number 2 in April and would LOVE LOVE LOVE an ergo – i hated the bjorn first time round. Travelling around with 2 I need a quality carrier!!
I love the connection I feel with my son.
We are expecting our first child in December and I am SO looking forward to wearing the little one early and often 🙂
My baby and I both love baby wearing! He’s so happy to be with me. I love the time we share together.
Anna Tyson
We love Ergo – so comfortable!
I love the closeness. Even my big girl 3 still likes for me to put her in the carrier when we are having a rough day or walking a lot. It calms the little one down almost immediately to be close to me as well and it is so much easier to be hands free when we are walking around.
The pattern!
Sandy Chiang
I love the material it’s made out of, soft!!! and that it comes with a head cover to block the sun creating a shade for the baby.
Shannon Stubbs
At 16 months, I love being able to keep my busy little man safe and out of trouble while we are out and about. Haha. But mostly, I love the snuggles and closeness and the kisses!
Ashleigh Walls
Twitter: artsavesyou
I never had the chance to babywear with my first but I want the closeness with my second and the convince of being able to do a lot while still being with the baby!
Kelly Choma
I love being able to make my gal happy by being close, but also live a functional life after working all day.
Brandi Sanchez
Love having my baby close and having my hands free!!
Miranda J.
I love having babe close to me (and he sleeps!) and being able to get things done!
I have a little one due in the spring and can’t wait to try baby wearing. Living in the city, it seems like the easiest way to maneuver with a wee one!
Looks awesome!
Kamal Gill
I love to have my baby close to me. It also help to get things done while holding the baby without getting my arms tired.
Daniela Morgan
We travel quite a lot so baby wearing makes security lines so easy. I love the freedom to use my arms and do other things while keeping my baby close
kendal zeisloft
I love having my baby with me and knowing she’s safe no matter what.
Melondy B
I love the fact that it allows you more freedom while holding your baby close to you.
Jessica H.
I didn’t know about Ergo baby until I had my twins, HUGE lifesaver!! Anytime I have to get out of the house by myself one baby goes in the Ergo and one in my arms/cart!
Kira R.
I love love love that I can get things done around the house and still keep my daughter close, and she’s loves to be worn. The other great thing about wearing her, my back doesn’t hurt nearly as much as it would from just carrying her.
Ooohhh how i loveBabywearing i never did it with my first but its a must with the second one
Sojeva Ortega
It frees up your hands to do tasks around the house.
I love babywearing because double strollers are often inconvenient. So I pop one in a carrier and use a single stroller in smaller stores and doctors offices 🙂
I have never tried baby wearing but with number two on its way I definitely have the Ergo on top of my list. A double stroller really seems like too much of a hassle to deal with.
Ooh, I would love to win a wrap!
Anna DeBenedictis
This was the one item we were hoping we would be gifted before our son was born but our families are not too familiar with baby wearing. We cannot afford one so we would love to win! Out baby boy is just 2 weeks old so I would love to start as soon as possible!
Jeanie Payne
The fact that my baby doesn’t cry!!
Jess English
I love how relaxed and calm baby is in the carrier. Plus I have both hands free and baby usually sleeps which is nice !
Loooove ergo baby! I can’t wait to try their new products!
Love my moby wrap, but would love to try an ergo baby. So much easier than a stroller when shopping or being any where with a crowd.
That is a gorgeous looking carrier!
Lindsey S
I love being able to have my baby close when I have to get things done! 🙂
andrea p
I love the snuggles & warmth 🙂
Monica P.
I really need this, with a 7 month old weighing in at 21lbs my back is begging for it! =)
I have always wanted an ergo. They look so comfy.
I would like to add that baby wearing is the only reason I get a chance to eat or do laundry. It has been a life saver. Plus she naps so well when she is being worn.
Laci Stokes
I Love being So CloseTo My Sweet Girl And Still Be Able TO AccomplishThings With 2 Hands! I Can’t WaitTo Wear Our Little Man When He Arrives!
Ashley O
I haven’t tried baby wearing yet but I’ve heard amazing things about Ergo!
Kara C.
I love the closeness of baby. Right now I use a Moby Wrap but would love an Ergo!
i love being able to snuggle and fold clothes at the same time!
love it!!
Baby on the way and I can’t wait to start baby-wearing!
My favorite thing about baby wearing is the closeness and connection with my daughter. It brings us closer to each other and brings with it a sense of comfort an security for her. I also enjoy the convieince of having my hands free to maneuver my active 3 year old and give her my full attention while out and about. I no longer feel like I’m choosing one over the other or sacrificing missing out on little moments of discovery and excitement with my oldest. I feel like I’m right there with them both enjoying the unique moments while making each of them feel like mommy is right there. I never have to tell my oldest that I can’t see/do something because “mommy has to watch sissy”. It’s been the greatest for our little family.
Shannon B
We cant rave enough about babywearing. It has come in handy when my daughter has her fussy time at night and I still have dinner to prep and laundry to do!
Michelle Gallinger
Baby wearing is essential with two – but my baby is outgrowing my wrap, time for something more structured!
Ashley h
I love a happy baby and free hands.
Morgann Crook
There is no better feeling than that little sweet baby breath on your neck!
My son always wanted to be held, so baby wearing allowed me to get things done while keeping him happy.
Anastasia @ eco-babyz
Having baby happy and hands free!
Having a my sweet baby close. Holding her while she sleep. Having hands free!
the ability to cuddle with my baby while having my hands free to deal with my other children
We are expecting our first. My favorite feature has to be, being with baby and able to do other things.
Phylicia Phillips
Being able to cuddle my newborn while tending to my toddler too.
Julia Harts the Man
NEED it!
I love that when I babywear I can still get things done without feeling like ive neglected my son. Not only does dinner get made, but he is also a part of it. I feel so connected with him while i carry him around no matter what im doing.
Alison S
I love the convenience of having both hands free to chase after my 3 year old!
the closeness and comfort.
I love that I can go grocery shopping with 8 kids…but only while babywearing!
Katrina Smith
Being hands free!
Erin Johnson
I love the versatility and style of this Ergobaby carrier. My soon-to-be munchkin would getting toted around in it!
I use the ergo everyday with my 14 month old. We love ergo!
Laura Eckard
I love being able to still do daily activities while being close to my little girl!
Kirsten Filion
Hand free 🙂
These are by far the best carriers ever!!!
brandi george
Love having my baby hear my hearbeat
jessica harrell
I am just starting to research different carriers because my little man has colic and wont let me get much done around the house and ergo is one of three I am wanting to try.
Kristine Laird
Baby is close and comfortable AND I get my hands free! 🙂
My daughter and I love babywearing!
I love the connect I feel with my son.
Amber C
I love the bond!
Patricia paquin
I love not having to haul a stroller or car seat around and running into things.
The ability to kiss my sweet girl’s head 🙂 while getting things done
Tawni Martin
I love being able to hold my baby all the time but still have my hands free to get stuff done.
tonilynn annunziata
I love feeling the baby close to me safe and secure
My son is 2 and still loves to be worn <3
Expecting baby #1 in April and would love this carrier!
ioana c.
keeps the mama and the baby closer!!!
Nike Marie Kirby
I have been looking for a carrier that will hold up my toddler. He wants to be carried everywhere we go and I love having him near me. The ergo is my top choice but a little on the pricey side at the moment. This would be great!
Hands are free, kids are close, and its less bulky than stroller
Would love to win this!! Been thinking of buying one of these!
Tiffiney Provost
Love Ergo!
HR Horne
I love the closeness and the fact that I can go for a walk with one kid being worn and one in the stroller. No double stroller needed 🙂
Love babywearing! Would love this carrier
Meghan G
I love having the closeness with my baby while also having the freedom of my hands free!
Chelsea McDowell
i love that i can do pretty much anything hands free when i babywear 🙂
Ana dimas
I love that I can snuggle my little one by wearing her and still be able to interact with my other 3 children!
Dianna marrero
We love Ergo!!
On days like today I really like baby wearing because I have more space in my shopping cart.
Renee Smith
I love that having my baby close to me gives her a sense of security and love. I like being able to complete tasks and not have to put her down.
Christine Kirschner
I love the convenience of baby wearing and how much my kids have loved being held in the carriers.
Sarah Ballard
Comment Luv app doesn’t appear to be working…
I LOVE baby wearing because it makes baby happier and I love having my baby close to me. Easier to nurse too! My son wouldn’t sleep unless he was in the carrier on most days, so baby wearing has been a lifesaver for us.
I’m due in MAY and would love to win this carrier!
Lisa F.
Having my baby close to me!
S. Lange
I’ve Always Wanted One!
Kenda Wathen
I love the snuggles that go hand in hand with baby wearing. I also love how it settles her down.
jeanette d.
I love babywearing bcoz I can multi-task. and I just love seeing my baby snuggled and content on my chest. its priceless!
I love my baby being able to hear my heart beat!
Love babywearing! & love Ergobaby!
Kim Bokor
Keeping up with my 4 yr old while holding my baby 🙂
Amy Lumley
I love how it really provides bonding with the child while at the same time not killing your arms or back!
Carly Brown
That I can hold baby close to me while still maintaining some use of my hands.
Love having baby close!
angela vannostrand
We havr a carrier but would love to have one to keep in my husbands car
Kalynn T.
I love that baby can stay close to me and I can still get things done that I need too. Plus, during cold and flu season, I can feel comfortable going out and about because people are less likely to ask to hold baby when I’m wearing her!
Maryrose S
Twitter: myhonublog
I LOVE Ergobaby! Fingers crossed
Ilove wearing my baby because it makes her so comfortable up against my chest. She always falls right asleep and it comforts her when shr is upset
angela vannostrand
We love our baby carrier. Keep baby close abd she is always happy in it. Would love one extra to keep in my husbands car for him to always have to use
christelle rodas
I love having my baby next to me, cuddling
Rachel E
I love how I can cuddle her but still be hands free. Grocery shopping is also such a breeze when I wear her. I don’t have to worry about juggeling the cart and a stroller!
Can’t wait to try the new ergo!
Angela Rhodes Ingles
My husband and I are currently expecting our first child in the spring, so we haven’t “worn” any babies yet, but look forward to carrying our child close to our hearts! 🙂
Christina Morrow
The best thing I love about baby wearing is always having my baby close to me in my arms.
Breanne S
Being able to keep up with my other 3 kiddos while my littlest is happily cuddled up to me.
I love baby wearing because being close to my baby is the best thing in the world. Plus, not having to struggle with a stroller or cart cover while grocery shopping is a definite win in my book!
I love baby wearing! I try to baby wear everyday! **Fingers crossed**
Stacey W
I am due in December with my first baby and would love to be a baby wearing mom! Thanks for the giveaway!!
I love love love wearing her because she is so happy in mommies arms. As well as close to me!
Terry Madden
I like that the baby is so close.
jessica hernandez
Ergo is the best. My little is quite heavy and the Ergo makes holding her so much easier.
Rachel Hackett
I haven’t used a baby carrier yet, but I have wanted one since finding out we are pregnant. I find it easier for me since I am such a small lady and I have always struggled with strollers. Plus having the closeness with my child. You only get to carry them for such a short time.
Aryn Hinton
My first is due in Feb and I know I will love baby wearing….not only for the bonding it provides but for the ability it will give me to get things done!
Tracy Gallagher
love to baby wear! My little guys is a fan too 🙂
Jennifer Leibstein
I love baby wearing because I can go anywhere!
Sarah Trout
I love the closeness and convenience!
I would love to win this for our upcoming new addition to the family!
My favorite thing about baby wearing is getting to hold my guy close while still having my hands free!
Rachel Perez
I love babywearing because of the closeness and it helps me keep my house clean.
I love that we get to spend time together. I am able to get other things done around the house without having to be seperated from my baby. He loves to be within sight, so babywearing is perfect!
Janna P
Being close to baby and having free hands!
Jess C
I loved not having to lug around a stroller! Baby wearing also made it a lot easier to nurse while out shopping, plus it usually kept the strangers from touching him. I also liked that it kept us both warm in the colder months, and that I didn’t have to worry about blankets.
Karina Millen
I love baby wearing because it comforts me and my little man (who at 3 months is a lil chunker!)
Tamsyn Colstad
I need this so bad. I bought a ERGO off ebay and it turned out to be a fake. I am heartbroken, because my little one loves to be carried. I love the ergo brand and what they stand for.
Mi Webber
Knowing my baby is comfortable and safe.
Paula Stahlman
My daughter in law is expecting our forst grandchild, she would love to baby wear or wear baby, whichever is right!
I love holding my baby AND having my hands free.
I hope to be able to cook easily while babywearing (of course being very careful around hot temps!) 🙂
Betsy Thibaudeau
And snuggling my baby
Love the four-way positioning!
Jaana Bauman
I love the closeness it provides. And being hands-free of course!
Gizella DiVenere
What DON’T I love about baby wearing is the question! LOL. I love how I can get things done and be mobile. I can easily navigate store aisles and can nurse anywhere on the go!! I love ERGO!!!
Holly D.
I have not had the chance to “baby wear” just yet. I am due to have my first baby girl on December 7th. I have heard the ergo baby is the BEST carrier for your child. It is the one big item I am jones’in for lately! Thank you for the giveaway!
I love this ERGO!
I have been wanting one.
Ashley Metzger
How it soothes baby faster than anything else!
Sarah W
I love being able to cuddle with my son while baby wearing!
Lauran S
I love being close to my baby!!
Alex Wong
I adored babywearing my son for the convenience and to keep him close. We travel a lot, so it was super easy to breeze thru airports with him and not have to bring our stroller. With baby #2 on the way, I can’t wait to get to wear my baby again!
I would LOVE to have one for my baby boy on the way in 5 weeks! I think baby wearing promotes being closer to your baby and making them feel safe and loved all the time!
I love Ergo, and I LOVE that pattern!
<3 stars!
Nikki Waring
I’d like to say it’s the connection and the bonding that I love most but, to be honest, it’s the having 2 hands available to play with my older kid, or do groceries or laundry or cleaning etc., All while I nurse and cuddle my baby. lol
Nicole V-P
I love that baby can be close.
I love that I have my hands to help my older child and I get to have my baby girl as close as possible! I love when she falls asleep on me.
Amber P
I would love to win this!
I’ve always wanted to try an Ergo!
I love being able to have my baby close to me!
Stephanie Tooyak
This is a gorgeous print! I’d love to have!
Oh my gosh, It’s lovely!
I love me some ERGO!
How fabulous to have more products in the Ergo family! Can’t beat baby wearing and hands free will be the way to be when #2 makes their debut in March!
Becky Templar
Hands free housework! 🙂
Rhia H
I love how convenient baby wearing is and how you can easily keep baby warm in the cold weather with your body heat ^__^
Oh man I love baby wearing it is soo much easier then dragging along a stroller everywhere!! I hope I win!!!
Summer I.
I love having my son close and it prevents people from touching him. 🙂
Miranda Mora
I love that they feel so content and calm when you are carrying them. Its so blissful to not worry about them crying or getting upset as much.
Sam McNeil
I love the bonding that we get from babywearing, and the comfort and ease to get around ANYWHERE- even places that aren’t stroller-friendly
Look mom, no hands! 🙂 I love the hands free.
Erin H
I love that babywearing lets me be so close to my baby girl. It has helped us for 21 months and will help us with the next little bean. 🙂 I don’t know how parents care for a sick kiddo without babywearing. A few times I have put her in a FWCC and rocked in the chair all night. I couldn’t get any sleep in without the carrier in that case!
Sarah H
I love wearing my youngest because it’s a lot easier that way with an 18 month running around!
Love Ergobaby!
love the Ergo and my sister is in real need of one this would be great…
Georgia Monroe
I am pregnant with my first kiddo and am excited to start baby wearing once they arrive! I am excited about the closeness, connection with baby, and freedom to move about as needed! I am planning to start wearing them as soon as I can!
I love how much easier it makes life with 2 kids under 2!
I’m so excited to practice babywearing with my soon to be born little one!
Jeanne rodriguez
We love our ergo because it keeps baby close and safe
Chelsea Nickels
What I love most about baby wearing is the extra snuggle time with my babies. I feel so close with them and they love it, they snuggle up every time I put them in, I know they love it just as much as I do.
Jessica Hauck
Not only is it helpful, it’s so cute!
I love everything about babywearing! How it helps me get things done while out shopping and a great nap time helper!
One of my most favorite things about babywearing is being hands-free! Life gets busy…it’s nice to be able to have the baby close but still be productive!
Mary C
I love that baby wearing allows me to have my little at work with me!!!
Laura D
I’m really excited about baby wearing this time around. I had a horrible carrier with my first and it turned me off. I’d love an Ergo!
I love baby wearing for the comfort, bonding and cuddles! Plus it’s way more efficient and life is more accessible with a carrier then a stroller 🙂
Sarah Parisi
I love staying close to my baby.
Jodie T
I didnt wear my first son either! I used a wrap with my second son until around 15+ pounds then I switched to the Ergo. I cracked the buckle in my car door and I cried. We miss it terribly 🙁
I love this in black!!
Amy Li
I love keeping my baby close while having 2 hands free.
Lalia Frolick from Found Frolicking
Being able to keep baby happy! Which means I can get more done!
Jessica Rodriguez
I love having baby so close and not to mention being able to “hold” them while taking care of things w/both hands, lol..
Rachel F
I love the closeness!
I love how easy it is for me and baby! 🙂
LOVE my Ergo! The new products make me want to have another baby to carry around 🙂
Renea Pike
being able to get stuff done around the house while wearing baby 🙂
Melody W.
Getting stuff done! 🙂
Tiffany K
I love having my baby close enough to kiss…and taking advantage of that opportunity to give her lots of kisses on her sweet little head!
Hands free
So pretty!
Nicky K-B
I love that it keeps my little one safe and from getting into everything.
nicki skinner
My baby is instantly calm and comfortable whilst being carried.
Tara Gallup
Babywearing is necessity. It lets you meet both you and your baby’s needs in our modern life.
Kailie Earl
I love the fact that i can get things done and not have my hands full and i know where my beautiful princess is. As well as knowing that my baby will be comfy. 🙂
I love my baby’s breath on my chest and the rise of his chest as he breathes and coos at me.
Would LOVE to win this!
I like baby wearing because my hands are free and I’m not constantly running into things with my stroller. I like that my baby is so close to me and strangers can’t get right up in the baby’s space.
Heather Gray
Love having my hands free!
I’ve always wanted an Ergo! Babywearing is the only way to go!
love the closeness. I love holding my baby all the time and wearing her makes it easier to get stuff done.
I love being able to remain close to my daughter as she grows into the toddler stage and becomes independent. I also love that I’ll be able to carry our next baby this coming year while also keeping tabs on my daughter.
Ashley Ayala
My daughter is a constant held baby; at 2 months it’s getting harder to carry her all the time. I would love love love the opportunity to wear her.
Sarah Hoffman
I’m due with dd #2 in 11 days and I’d love to add this beautiful carrier to my Galaxy Gray so that dh and I can carry both of our girls!!!
Paige Hyder
Our Ergo has made it so easy to NIP, would live to win this one for DD’s little sis due in April.
Having him nap on me and be content because he is safe and secure with momma
I love having my baby so close! When she falls asleep while baby wearing, it melts my heart.
Heather Stevens
I love babywearing for many reasons, but one is that I can ditch the stroller and/or bucket seat when out and about AND keep baby close from germy strangers who want to touch 😀
I love baby wearing! I could use this carrier!
Alicia S.
I love babywearing!!!
Valencia Bynes
My favorite thing about baby wearing is the closeness! Then the ease of having both hands free!
Megan T
I love the bonding experience you get with baby wearing!
Diane Zawislak
I would love to give this to my daughter-in-law for a present.
I love not having to deal with a stroller!
what do I NOT love about babywearing!? seriously, you can’t beat the safety factor of having them close to you, the cuddle factor, and the cute factor!
I love baby wearing because it allows me snuggle time with my baby girl while still allowing me to do things around the house. Baby wearing was also a life saver on a recent airplane trip!
I love how it allows me to care for my little ones while still being able to get a few things finished.
LO has lots of separation anxiety, so wearing allows me to keep her close and happy while still getting things done!
I love the ease of baby wearing and I love the close moments my son and I get from it.
Ashley Harris
Love wearing my little guy on walks
I can do pretty much ANYTHING while baby wearing!
Kylie Robertson
I Love the freedom the ergo brings when out and about with bub.
Lori F
I would love an Ergo!
Jessica H.
I love how ny arms are free to do what I need to do and baby feels secure and comforted being near me.
Would love to have an Ergo. My Mobywrap is great but I like the option to carry my baby on my back. I love babywearing because it keeps people from touching my babies’ hands and faces!
Used a wrap for the first year or so before I got my first try at an ErgoBaby. I’m a convert for sure! I LOVE ERGOBABY!!!
Patricia Liu
I love how baby wearing allows my baby to feel safe, promotes breastfeeding, and helps avoid the use of a pacifier to sooth her!
Lauren C
Being able to have both hands free and not have the hassles of a stroller to deal with.
Love ergo, best carrier ever.
I haven’t done much babywearing, but would absolutely love to do more! I love having baby close to me all the time. Have been hoping for an Ergo!
Julia B
I love babywearing so much because of the cuddles that I get from a very active boy that usually doesn’t like stopping to give cuddles 😀
ashley markum
we love the closeness that comes with babywearing
Danielle Camarena
Hands free makes me a multasking mommy while able to hold my little love close to my heart!
Amy Jensen
I love to have his warm little body close to me!
This is so pretty. Babywearing will save me with a newborn and a 2 year old!
We Love our Ergo and another would be fantastic with the 2 kiddos.